News in English

Turkey’s resolution a ‘falsification of history’

The foreign ministry on Friday said the resolution passed by Turkey’s Grand National Assembly constitutes a falsification of history and revisionism.

A day earlier, the assembly adopted a resolution supporting a two-state solution.

Cyprus foreign ministry said the resolution “attempts to distort the fact of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974 and the 50 years of continued occupation of 36.2 per cent of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus”.

It underlines that the Republic of Cyprus will never accept the faits accomplis of the occupation and states that “our goal remains the liberation of Cyprus from Turkey and the end of its violent division with the reunification of our people”.

“We look forward to a peaceful, European future for our island, which will be reunited in accordance with the resolutions of the United Nations and the European acquis”, the ministry concluded.

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