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'I'm not a big dum-dum!': Shouting erupts on Fox News in heated exchange over Trump speech

Shouting erupted Friday afternoon on Fox News as "The Five" debated former President Donald Trump's rhetoric and whether it helped or hurt his chances of bringing in new voters.

The heated exchange started when rotating co-host Jessica Tarlov slammed Trump, telling the panel — made up of Judge Jeanine Pirro, Pete Hagseth, Sandra Smith, and Charlie Hurt — that Trump praised Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and said North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un "misses him."

The panel erupts, with Hagseth firing back, "This is what you miss" and calling Trump an "entertainer."

"You missed this," he insists.

Tarlov stuck to her guns though, saying she already knows Pirro, Hagseth, and Hurt are voting for Trump. What's at issue, she argued, is that "you guys can't do it alone."

"You need other people," she insisted.

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Then she turned to one of the head-scratching moments of the night.

"What is the obsession with Hannibal Lecter?! Can someone explain to me — it's like Reagan and — it's not funny! It's so weird; he was a sociopath!"

The Republican panelists then erupt in laughter as Pirro says "everyone knows he's a sociopath!" and Hurt shouts that Trump was referring to "lunatics crossing the border!"

The next five seconds are a cacophony of shouting, with Hurt yelling: "You don't want criminals coming across the border! You don't want rapists coming across the border!"

Pirro then tries to talk over a shouting Hurt, saying "You don't want me to describe what was done to a 12-year-old girl, do you?! Do you?! Do you want me to describe it?!"

An outnumbered Tarlov then shouts back, "I do! I absolutely know what happened. But if you think, again, that it's unifying that —"

She's cut off by the panel again as the conversation continues to devolve into shouting over the "migrant invasion."

"I heard you!" Tarlov tries to tell Pirro, who insists Trump was talking about the "illegality that is coming into this country."

Tarlov responds, "I'm not a big dum-dum! I know what it's about! I'm saying the way ... that he talked about it is gratuitous."

Watch the clip below or at this link.

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