News in English

Date Someone Who Is Honest About How They Feel

I don’t want someone who vaguely asks me to hang out without defining what the hell that means. I want someone who bluntly tells me they want to take me out on a romantic date where we’ll talk about our feelings and then feel each other up.

I don’t want someone who pretends they don’t give a shit about me to gain the upper hand. I want someone who admits that they can’t stop thinking about me and that they had a naughty dream about me the night before.

I don’t want someone who hesitates to call me, because of society’s damn three-day rule. I want someone who will text me at any time of day or night, because they can’t stand the thought of being away from me for more than a few hours.

I don’t want someone who pretends they’re fine when they’re actually pissed off at me. I want someone who will scream at me until we work out the situation and can grow from it.

I don’t want someone who will laugh at me behind my back, because they’re afraid of being labeled as “whipped.” I want someone who will brag to their friends about the time we went apple picking and then baked a pie in the kitchen, even if it’ll make them seem less manly somehow.

I don’t want someone who will push me away, because they’re scared of being in a real relationship. I want someone who will be open with me about their fears, and agree to work on them alongside me.

I don’t want someone who flees the room whenever they get upset. I want someone who will cry on my shoulder, and let me see every tear that drops from their eye.

I don’t want someone who hides their past from me, because they’re scared I’ll judge them. I want someone who will tell me awkward stories about their exes, so I can understand why they have the baggage that they have.

I don’t want someone who fucks me without letting their gaze leave my chest. I want someone who will look me in the eyes while they thrust and will tell me how much they love me in between moans.

I don’t want someone who pretends to be perfect. I want someone who will let me see their flaws, no matter how embarrassed they are over them.

I don’t want someone who uses cliché lines on me that they’ve heard in a million different movies. I want someone who speaks from the heart, even if it comes across as corny or pretentious.

I don’t want someone who kisses me in place of telling me they love me. I want someone who says those three little words, even if a group of people are around to hear it.

I don’t want someone who sends me mixed signals, because they think it’s a necessary part of the dating game. I want someone who tells me how they feel when they’re feeling it, no exceptions.

I don’t want someone who just nods along when I tell them about my day. I want someone who enjoys hearing me talk about what’s going on in my life, because they actually give a shit about me.

I don’t want someone who pretends that life is all sunshine and roses, even when they’re falling apart. I want someone who exposes me to the darkest parts of their mind, so I can help show them the light again.

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