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Conservative's claim Trump will be 'less unhinged' after convention laughed at on MSNBC

Reflecting on Donald Trump's speech at the recently concluded Republican National Convention and his rally appearance in Michigan on Saturday night, a conservative strategist asserted on MSNBC on Sunday morning that it appears we will be seeing a more "disciplined" and less "unhinged" ex-president on the campaign trail going forward.

Speaking with the hosts of MSNBC's "The Weekend," Brendan Buck conceded Trump will still say "weird things," but added it's possible Trump's people have finally reined him in.

That led Democratic pollster Fernand Amandi to laugh and suggest the former president "can't help himself" and that Trump will be his usual self.

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"I frankly am still a little stuck on the questions Brandon was asked earlier: can Donald Trump not be unhinged? Can Donald Trump be disciplined going forward? Hello? Have we been watching Donald Trump for the last 10 years — are you kidding me?" Amandi laughed. "In that clip, that unfortunately we have to watch, which is actually a little bit fortunate just his convention speech was fortunate."

"Why?" he asked. "Because Donald Trump can't help himself. Donald Trump in every single remark every time he has an opportunity to go before voters at the cameras he gives the game away."

"You see the projection there, where he accuses Democrats of being fascists, Democrats of being the enemies of democracy, when what he is saying there is 'Iwhich is am suffering from that charge, it is a problem and in my week, feeble, undisciplined, unhinged attempt, which is what he is and who he is, he will try it weekly say no, it is not me."

Watch below or at the link.

MSNBC 07 21 2024 08 03 18

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