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Latest line: A good week for Elliot Mainzer, a bad week for Steve Garvey

Latest line: A good week for Elliot Mainzer, a bad week for Steve Garvey

Electricity boss handles record heat wave, while Republican Senate candidate continues to trail badly

Elliot Mainzer

CEO of the California Independent System Operator, which runs the state’s power grid, comes through a record three-week heat wave with no flex alerts or significant outages, despite 110+ degree temperatures.




Steve Garvey

Republican nominee in U.S. Senate race to succeed the late Dianne Feinstein appears headed for a blowout loss as a new PPIC poll shows him trailing Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff by a lopsided 64% to 33%.





New PPIC poll shows big support for Prop 4, a $10 billion bond for wildfires, droughts and other climate impacts. But enviros nervously watch the presidential race, knowing Trump would weaken many green laws.


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