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Fatal traffic accidents drop significantly

Fatal traffic accidents drop significantly

Over the course of 63 years, Cyprus has recorded a significant drop in fatal accidents, indicating a positive trend in road safety, the transport ministry said on Tuesday.

Since the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus in 1960, the year 2023 saw the fewest fatal traffic accidents.

Ministry data shows that in 1960 there were 110 fatal traffic accidents and in 2023 there were just 34.

The worst year recorded was 1973 with 162 fatal accidents.

Since 2019, when there were 52 fatal accidents, there has been a continuous downward trend.

“This shows a positive trend towards a safer road network,” the ministry said.

It added that the improvement was due to “various factors, such as the introduction of new road safety regulations, the improvement of infrastructure, awareness campaigns, the stricter imposing of traffic regulations and the increase of checks.”

The transport ministry called on the public to always be careful and observe road traffic regulations.

Safety on the roads is everyone’s responsibility and cooperation of all drivers is necessary to continue to reduce accidents and to improve road safety,” the ministry adds.

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