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Kamala Harris Tried to Shut Down Pregnancy Centers, Raided a Pro-Life Leader’s Home

On Sunday, President Joe Biden made history when he dropped out of the race via a post on X (Twitter) just 107 days before the 2024 Election.

In a follow-up post 30 minutes later, he endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to take his place.

“Joe Biden has been the worst President in my lifetime and Kamala Harris has been right there with him every step of the way,” tweeted Trump vice-presidential hopeful Sen. J.D. Vance, R-OH.

But Harris surpasses even Biden in one key metric: she is without question one of the most aggressively anti-Catholic career politicians in American history.

Her record speaks for itself.

Knights Need Not Apply

When President Donald Trump nominated Catholic jurist Brian Buescher to the federal bench in 2018, Kamala Harris submitted a series of written questions to the judge, directly confronting core tenets of his Catholic faith.

One question read:

Since 1993, you have been a member of the Knights of Columbus, an all-male society comprised primarily of Catholic men. In 2016, Carl Anderson, leader of the Knights of Columbus, described abortion as “a legal regime that has resulted in more than 40 million deaths.” Mr. Anderson went on to say that “abortion is the killing of the innocent on a massive scale.” Were you aware that the Knights of Columbus opposed a woman’s right to choose when you joined the organization?

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She also asked whether Buescher had been aware that the Knights “oppose marriage equality” and whether he would promise to leave the Knights of Columbus should he be appointed to the District Court.

Harris shamelessly used Buescher’s membership in the world’s largest charitable organization to suggest that espousing Catholic teachings on abortion and same-sex “marriage” disqualifies an individual from serving in public office.

In short, Catholics need not apply.

Tactic: Silence and Punish Pro-lifers

Harris, who touts a perfect score from Planned Parenthood, has aggressively worked hand-in-hand with the abortion mega-mogul from her earliest days in public office to punish pro-life voices.

In 2015, as California’s attorney general, Harris sponsored the FACT Act. The law required pregnancy care centers to post advertisements for free or low-cost abortion facilities in their waiting rooms.

The legislation, which the Supreme Court struck down after three years of lawfare, explicitly pointed to the proliferation of pro-life pregnancy resource centers in the state as a “problem.” The existence of pro-life alternatives conflicted “with California’s proud legacy of reproductive freedom,” the text of the law claimed.

Not content to force pro-lifers to promote abortions to vulnerable women, Harris also used her clout as attorney general to prosecute whistleblower David Daleiden in 2016.

Daleiden, who was raised Catholic, secretly filmed Planned Parenthood employees over the course of 30 months in 2013 and 2014. His work exposed the abortion giant’s lucrative trade in organs and body tissues obtained from aborted children.

Harris ordered California Department of Justice agents to raid his home in July 2016. They searched for computers, hard drives, or any other equipment he used to make his undercover videos, seizing evidence at the behest of Planned Parenthood heavyweights.

First Amendment Foe

As a senator with her eyes on the presidency in 2019, Kamala Harris introduced the Do No Harm Act” – a direct attack on Catholic conscience and freedoms.

The bill would end the 1983 Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) protections for healthcare workers, forcing Catholic doctors to perform abortion and “transgender” surgeries. Harris’ bill also aimed to put religious charities like Catholic schools and the Little Sisters of the Poor out of business unless they agree to forfeit their religious beliefs.

In addition, Harris has pledged to enact the Equality Actwhich the American bishops have said would “run roughshod over religious liberty.” As with the “Do No Harm Act,” the Equality Act would knock out the RFRA’s longstanding protections and would be used to “punish” Americans who oppose gender ideology.

Harris has called the bill, which also singles out people who engage in “pregnancy discrimination,” “long-overdue.”

When confronted, the Biden-Harris administration refused to deny that the legislation would force Catholic and other pro-life healthcare workers to perform abortions.

No Time to Rest

In the wake of pro-Harris endorsements from top Democrats this weekend, conservative pundits will be tempted to crow. After all, Harris trails Trump in the polls, and her party appears to be in complete disarray.

The stakes, however, of a Harris victory are too high for Catholics to rest. Harris, who just days ago was declaring Biden “very bold and vibrant,” has a record of surprising her adversaries.

But if she wins there will be no surprises when it comes to her determination to destroy our freedoms as Catholics and pro-life Americans.

LifeNews Note: Erika Ahern writes for CatholicVote, where this column originally appeared.

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