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Katy Perry Wants In On the Kamala Memes

An endorsement by way of a “Momala” edit.

Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

It feels like political eons have passed since Katy Perry attempted to mount her comeback in the form of a forgettable Dr. Luke–produced diddy. Though “Woman’s World” hit the airwaves just a few weeks ago, the stale retread of bubblegum feminism premiered in a different reality: At the time, President Biden was still seeking reelection, and Donald Trump remained a convict with two perfectly orange, untouched ears. But as the Democratic Party chaos devolved into brat memes, coconut trees, and Kamala Harris laugh tracks, “Woman’s World” seems to have matched the absurdity of the moment by sheer coincidence. And Perry, for one, seems mighty pleased about that.

On Monday, the singer cemented her place in the circus of Harris’s surprise presidential campaign by sharing a “Momala” edit set to her single on Instagram. Clips of the vice-president cackling and dancing are soundtracked by Perry’s lyrics, which are fit for a bygone decade: “It’s a woman’s world / And we’re lucky to be living in it.” Now, Perry isn’t even close to the first celebrity to sing Kamala’s praises. Everyone from Cardi B and Spike Lee to Ariana Grande and Barbra Streisand have thrown their support behind Harris over the past week, which hardly makes Perry’s endorsement a brave one. But this sudden opportunity for our bikini-clad pop star is twofold: Perry gets to relive the glory days of Hillary Clinton’s campaign (which adopted her song “Roar” as its ultimately unsuccessful rallying cry), and her new single gets a second shot at relevance — however ironic that relevance may be.

Perhaps this too was written in the stars. I mean, what better way to celebrate a potential female presidential nominee than painting the town chartreuse and blasting a song that sounds like it was written for boomers still trying to break the proverbial glass ceiling? What year is it again? Is this a lucid dream??


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