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Pakistan: Battling Terrorism And Disinformation Campaigns – OpEd

Lieutenant General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry, Director General of Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) of Pakistan Armed Forces, highlighted the risks of terrorism and digital disinformation campaigns in Pakistan in a recently conducted press briefing. He underlined the military's efforts to neutralize 398 terrorists during the current year. He discussed the economic ramifications of terrorism and organized crime while sharing the details of money being minted due to smuggling. He stressed the importance of holding regular press conferences in a bid to combating rampant lies. He underscored the need for a united response to both physical and digital threats in order to manifest state’s resolve for national security and stability.

DG ISPR Lieutenant General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry, the media spokesperson of Pakistan Armed Forces recently held a media briefing. In that presser, the combined risks of terrorism and digital disinformation campaigns against Pakistan and its military were discussed as major issues. The DG also shared details on the military's ongoing operations and the impact of false information campaigns.

A Year of Intensive Counter-Terrorism Efforts

Throughout the year, the military has reportedly conducted significant number of counter-terrorism operations. More than 22,000 actions have taken place, demonstrating the military's resolve and devotion to this objective. These operations have not been without cost as 137 officers and soldiers have sacrificed their lives in the line of duty. The sacrifices highlight the high stakes and unwavering commitment which is necessary to defeat the menace of terrorism. On the other side, these operations have resulted in great successes as well. 398 terrorists have been neutralised, including 31 high-value targets sent to hell. The shared data demonstrate the success of the military's tactics and the progress made in eliminating terrorist networks.

The Rise of Digital Disinformation

Along with the actual threat of terrorism, the Armed Forces are dealing with an insidious flow of deliberate/ misleading information. "There has been an increase in fabricated news against the Pakistan Army," the spokesman stated, emphasising the need to resolve such concerns. It was stated that the disinformation had lately become a tool for undermining military efforts besides sowing seeds of discord across the country.

Operation Azm-e-Istehkam (AeI) is one of the most famous examples. This comprehensive strategy/ vision seeks to disrupt the link between terrorists and the criminal groups. However, it has met strong opposition from a "political mafia." This resistance is financially driven, with large sums of money being poured from outside to undermine the operation AeI via concocted social media campaigns.

Digital Terrorism: A Modern Threat

The idea of "digital terrorism" remained the focus of the news conference. This phrase refers to the purposeful distribution of false news and propaganda through digital media. Such operations seek to undermine and discredit the military forces. "What is happening on social media is digital terrorism," the DG ISPR stated, drawing parallels between digital propagandists and real terrorists. Both attack the military, but in different ways.

Recent instances, such as the Bannu Cantonment Attack, have demonstrated the emergence of digital disinformation. Digital terrorists swiftly took advantage of the circumstances to promote false narratives. This organised and purposeful transmission of misleading/ false information represents a new and developing threat that needs enhanced awareness.

Economic Dimensions of Terrorism and Smuggling

The economic ramifications of terrorism and organised crime were also discussed. Smuggling, mainly of oil and tobacco, generates billions of rupees. Protests and fights broke out in Chaman, when a One-Document Regime was implemented to prevent the heinous activities. The DG ISPR stated that, while workers at the bottom of smuggling networks have pitiful wages, the mafias at the top do benefit handsomely. These mafias plan the activities and enjoy enormous financial gains.

The Importance of Regular Press Conferences

Given the high speed dissemination of disinformation, the need for regular news conferences is also established. "Due to the increasing lies and propaganda, it is necessary to hold press conferences like today regularly," said DG ISPR. Such briefings are critical for responding to rumours and combating the purposeful spread of lies in a timely manner.

The Threat of Fascism and the Importance of Vigilance

There was a strong warning about the larger consequences of permitting digital and conventional terrorists to operate freely. Regarding the May 9 attack planners, it was warned that leniency for such persons would only fuel fascists. A robust, united response to both physical and digital threats remains critical to ensuring national security and stability.

Conclusion: A Call for Unity and Truth

The press conference by DG ISPR provided a comprehensive yet grim picture of the multiple risks that Pakistan faces today. While the military continues its persistent fight against terrorism, it is also dealing with a sophisticated campaign of digital disinformation, aimed at undermining military operations and sowing division within the society.

Operation Azm-e-Istehkam (AeI) demonstrates the military's dedication to eliminating terrorism and disrupting criminal networks. However, the hostility it encounters from politically and financially driven entities emphasises the difficulty of the task. The emergence of digital terrorism, in particular, represents a new and growing threat that needs vigilance, timely communication, and a coordinated response from the military and the general public.

As Pakistan navigates through tumultuous times, timely flow of truthful information and national unity remain to be critical. All sectors of society must therefore, recognise and support the sacrifices made by the military services, as well as the larger consequences of their battle against terrorism and disinformation. In this era of digital warfare, the battle for truth and stability is just as important as the fight against physical dangers, and it must be won to secure the country's existence and development.

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