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7 Lessons In Life And Love We Can All Learn From Deadpool

The Merc with a Mouth prattles on about a lot of nonsense, but there’s value in many of Deadpool’s lessons. Time for some of Wade Wilson’s wisdom!

Let’s rejoice for Deadpool & Wolverine aims to save the summer box office and delight the fans around the world, bub. Combining high-octane action, multiversal shenanigans, side-splitting comedy, and two real-life BFFs – Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman – as the iconic superheroes, the Shawn Levy-directed film holds the necessary ingredients to become an instant classic. More importantly, it brings Deadpool back to the screen after six lonely years in the wilderness.

Now, it’s as good a time as any to look back at the Merc with the Mouth and all that he’s taught us about life and love. Ready? Good. Grab the chimichangas and apply maximum effort in reading on.

There’s a second chance for a first impression

Wade Wilson’s first venture into the live-action realm came in the ghastly form of 2009’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It wasn’t the most solid introduction, as the usual life of the party had his lips stitched up and he featured in arguably one of the worst X-Men movies ever made. He didn’t beat himself up about it, though; instead, he tried again in 2016 with his own solo film that righted the wrongs from before. Deadpool didn’t ignore the elephant in the room either, embracing the mistakes made in the past and having a laugh at them through self-deprecation. It goes to show how second chances are entirely possible – just as long as everyone acknowledges the first meeting wasn’t all it was cut out to be.

Live. Laugh. Love

Oh, hey, it’s that annoying motivational quote that causes everyone to hurl when they walk into a home and see it sprawled on the wall, but you know what? It’s right. Look at Wade Wilson as a prime example. He lives (wildly), laughs (wildly), and loves (even more wildly), and he seems to be doing a-okay in life. For real. Deadpool understands that he isn’t getting out of life alive in the end (a healing factor helps a little, though), so he makes the most of his time on Earth to have a hyuck hyuck with those who matter to him and savor every moment together. It’s like they’re on a spiraling rollercoaster ride without seatbelts. Wee!

Be kind to your taxi driver

20th Century Fox

Kindness goes a long way – especially if someone’s in a pickle and needs a getaway driver to keep hush-hush about what they just witnessed. Case in point: Deadpool’s trustworthy and reliable taxi driver, Dopinder. The Merc with a Mouth makes an effort to befriend and find out more about Dopinder, including the juicy details about his love life. Resultantly, Dopinder never lets him down, even when thugs shoot at and shake their fists at Mr. Pool in anger. Be genuine and give your taxi driver a generous tip and five stars – and they’ll be loyal forever.

Those who love you will accept you no matter what

After Deadpool accepts the experimental treatment for his cancer, he’s left heavily scarred. The changes to his physical appearance cause him great shame, and he doesn’t want to show himself to his girlfriend, Vanessa Carlyle, in fear that she’ll pull a runner on him. When he eventually shows himself to her again, she doesn’t reject him. Why? Because she adores him, duh. It’s yet another reminder of how we are often our biggest critics and enemies, while those who love and care for us will open their arms out wide – even if someone runs around in a red suit and wields swords.

Adventures are better with friends

Sure, Batman likes to break bones and smash faces by himself under the pale moonlight of Gotham City, but he’s also about as pleasant as a root canal, so there’s that. Because who wouldn’t want to take down a bunch of supervillains with friends instead of doing it by themselves?! It’s much more fun and allows for proper bonding, as everyone gets to put their special powers into practice and encourages exciting moves only seen in comic books or video games. Deadpool learns all about this in his movies, as his team-ups with the likes of the X-Men, Dopinder, Cable, and Wolverine result in a better time where cherished memories are made.

New friend groups don’t necessarily mean better friends

While there might be a temptation to hang out with a new group of friends, it isn’t all it’s made out to be. Take Deadpool 2 for instance. Instead of calling the X-Men for assistance when he decides to break out Russell Collins and to fight off Cable, he assembles a new team of heroes called X-Force. Well, they last about as long as a beloved show on Netflix – with them dying in brutal fashion before the battle even kicks off. Learn from Deadpool’s mistake here: Make the friendship circle bigger by all means, but don’t try to create multiple circles in the same place. Eventually, it becomes a crop circle and completely alien to everyone.

Meet your heroes

Walt Disney

From Deadpool to Deadpool & Wolverine, there’s one constant: The Merc with a Mouth loves Wolverine. And why shouldn’t he? He’s like every other person on Earth as Logan continues to be one of the most popular X-Men characters around. Technically, the first time they met was in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which probably doesn’t even exist in canon anymore due to the changes made by subsequent films. So, for the sake of simplicity, let’s consider their real first encounter to be Deadpool & Wolverine. It’s clear that Logan looks annoyed by the sight of Wade Wilson and his insistent prattling; however, this doesn’t perturb Deadpool, who manages to sucker Wolvie into helping him on his adventure. By hook or crook, Deadpool meets his hero, Wolverine, and they become besties as Madonna’s “Like a Prayer” blares in the trailer. Who says this can’t happen for you and your idol, too?

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