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Possibility of Chinese influence on Bangladesh concerning for US: Official

The United States is concerned about the possibility of growing Chinese presence in Bangladesh, a senior administration official has told the lawmakers.

We are concerned about the possibility of a growing Chinese presence in Bangladesh. But I would say the Bangladeshis have been pretty careful about not overextending quickly, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia told the lawmakers during a Congressional hearing on Tuesday.

In terms of Russia, Chinese influence in Bangladesh in that area, have you seen any uh things that are concerning in that regard as well? Congressman Bill Keating asked.

I would say the most influential country in Bangladesh is actually not Russia or China, it's India. And we have a really active dialogue with India about our policies in Bangladesh and throughout the wider region, Lu said in response to the question.

Congresswoman Young Kim said the Chinese Communist Party is a top trading partner for Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and

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