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My mum gave us all matching names – trolls say she must’ve found ‘hard drugs’ after baby number two

FROM the Bridgerton siblings alphabetical names to the Kardashian sisters’ alliterative Ks, baby name themes are not a foreign concept.

However, one mum might’ve taken the concept too far when naming her daughters, even switching up the spelling to make them stand out.

A Reddit user shared the unique names one mum gave her five daughters (stock image)[/caption]

In a Reddit group dedicated to name shaming, user Agitated Platypus7458 posted about the unique names.

She shared a screenshot from a TikToker revealing her and her sisters’ names.

The poster of the video poked fun at how her mom must have felt after naming her children.

She listed the five names in order of age, showing that her mum’s choices became more unhinged with each child.

The TikTok user revealed that the eldest daughter in her family is called Precious.

For her second child, the woman decided on the name Patience.

While Precious and Patience are not commonly heard, the Reddit user revealed that the names went downhill from there.

“I think the mum just gave up on spelling after baby number two,” she joked.

For the third child, the woman kept with her ongoing P theme but decided to opt for more unique spellings.

She decided on the name Promise, but decided to spell it as Prommiss.

The mum-of-five chose another quirky name for her fourth child: Paiedynn.

Finally, she called her youngest daughter Paxxdynn, which the Redditor called “the worst, in my opinion.”

Other Reddit users shared their thoughts on the unique names in the comments section.

“Mum found hard drugs after baby two,” joked one unimpressed reader.

“Atrocities all round,” wrote another commenter.

Banned Names in the UK

The UK has no law restricting names, but names that contain obscenities, numerals, misleading titles, or are impossible to pronounce are likely to be rejected when registering a child.

  • Hitler
  • Monkey
  • Cyanide
  • Martian
  • Akuma
  • Chow Tow
  • Rogue

Another Reddit user compared the youngest daughter’s name to a pharmaceutical drug.

“Paxxdynn isn’t for everyone. See your doctor if you experience pain, irritation, or involuntary eye rolling that may be permanent,” they said.

“I think Prommiss is the worst offender,” commented another person.

“You know Paiedynn is going to have a jacked up spelling just based on the name, but Prommiss is based on an actual word that has a universally agreed on spelling.”

“It just gets progressively worse as the kids keep arriving,” said one reader.

“Looks like she forgot how to spell after the second kid and after the third, she just started keysmashing to name her kids,” another commenter said.

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