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'You idiots all fell for the trap!' Trump team lashes out as critics mock 'terrified man'

A triggered Team Trump is appearing increasingly "shook" to critics who say their campaign is crumbling under the weight of its own hateful messaging.

Former Wall Street Journal deputy managing editor Bill Grueskin highlighted on X Thursday night the uptick in birther rhetoric Donald Trump used with little success to attack former President Barack Obama's campaigns.

"Resurrecting the 'Hussein Obama' line shows how deeply shook the Trump people are right now," Grueskin wrote.

Grueskin shared a comment from spokesperson Steven Cheung in which he rails against "Crooked Joe Biden, calls Vice President Kamala Harris a Marxist and referred to the former president without his official title but with his middle name.

Cheung on Friday morning lashed out against Grueskin with yet another insulting message.

"You idiots all fell for the trap," Cheung wrote. "Hussein was trending and was mentioned on cable news throughout the night. Thanks for doing our jobs cucking his announcement this morning, moron."

Cheung's claim that using the birther language helped spread Trump's message did not pass the smell test on social media, as several readers continued to echo Grueskin's claim that the campaign is scared.

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"How in the world does this help you in any way?" asked X user @tealtalk.

"The best way to win in 2024 is to use losing arguments from 2008," quipped William Millennium. "I am sure of it."

"This is how you plan to win over new voters?" replied X user Nate, who bills himself as a supporter of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis. "Bold move."

"What exactly do you think Hussein being mentioned accomplishes, besides reminding people how racist you are?" added John Smith.

"Honestly...this sounds like a terrified man who very well might drop out," wrote James Meredith, who identifies himself as a Christian from Missouri. "Vance is better downballot anyway."

"Trump must really like this guy Cheung," wrote Francis Murphy. "He makes Trump sound almost normal."

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