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GOPers Taking Early Summer Break, Risking Another Shutdown

So sick of this dance. Why on earth would you invite chaos into public funding, especially in an election year? It's not as if Republicans have much else going for them, you'd think they'd want to look competent. But the Freedom Caucus doesn't give a damn about the public, that's why. Via Salon:

House Republicans, stumbling over demands from the right-wing Freedom Caucus, have failed to get even half of the 12 must-pass spending bills across the finish line, while the spending legislation that has passed is full of extreme provisions that Democrats in the Senate are certain to reject out of hand. Instead of working overtime, however, GOP leaders are canceling the remaining votes and sending House members away on summer recess — a week early — as the September deadline to avoid a government shutdown edges closer.

Initially, it looked as if House Republicans might succeed — GOP appropriators managed to get all 12 bills onto the House floor and strip an abortion pill ban amendment from an Agriculture bill that doomed its passage last year.

But the string of good fortune could not last, as Johnson now faces the same intra-party fighting that toppled his predecessor, former Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

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