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Bulls resigned to start new season with Zach LaVine on roster

League sources say that the Bulls are thus resigned to fact that they will likely be forced to start the new season with Zach LaVine on the roster and take it a step further by trying to help him rebuild some trade value after months of fruitless efforts to find a new home via trade.

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Marc Stein @TheSteinLine
Around-the-league NBA notes on a Friday lead off with the Bulls and their Zach LaVine conundrum … and take off in various trade, free agency and Olympic directions after that:… PM

More on this storyline

But the source said that a key buffer between the two – especially as far as LaVine was concerned – was veteran DeMar DeRozan. With DeRozan shipped to Sacramento after a sign-and-trade, that buffer is gone. -via Chicago Sun-Times / July 15, 2024
According to an NBA source attending Summer League play, not only is Karnisovas trying to move off Zach LaVine because of the three years, $138 million left on his contract, but also concerns that the distrust LaVine has with the front office, and specifically head coach Billy Donovan, could lead to a “dysfunctional” locker room, especially if LaVine starts poisoning the well that the younger players are drinking from. -via Chicago Sun-Times / July 15, 2024

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