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Clean the Sludge from Decision-Making Workflows

Help users make choices they’ll be satisfied with to boost satisfaction and retention by simplifying decision-making workflows.

Summary: Help users make choices they’ll be satisfied with to boost satisfaction and retention by simplifying decision-making workflows.

I’ve been recently thinking a lot about sludge — the muck that slowly accumulates in old pipes until the flow of material eventually stops. Poorly designed decision-making workflows feel a lot like sludge-filled pipes : clogged up, confusing, and overwhelming.

Quit Creating Nudges, Start Reducing Sludge

Cleaning up the sludge-filled decision-making workflows that torment users is the focus of our new report Helping Users Make Decisions: Reduce Choice Overload and Avoid Overwhelming Users .

The Nobel-Prize-winning behavioral economist Richard Thaler is famous for his nudge theory, which describes how to subtly guide individuals to make better decisions without limiting their freedom of choice, by incorporating small, noncoercive interventions that favor the most beneficial options.

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