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Ben Carson dragged for 'spreading misinformation' thanking Trump for COVID rescue

Ben Carson was raked through the coals on social media after he introduced Donald Trump by thanking the former president for saving him from “the verge of death” after he contracted COVID-19.

"I almost died. I was on the verge of death,” Carson said Friday while introducing Trump at a Florida summit. “The only thing that saved me was I was able to get the monoclonal antibody before it was ok’d by the FDA because he signed the papers to allow me to be able to do that.”

“And he reminds me all the time,” Carson said, spurring laughter from the crowd. “He says, “You saved all those kids, but I saved you.”

Read also: Ben Carson calls Biden a 'danger': 'Would you even want this guy driving the school bus?'

As the pandemic began, Carson was at the forefront of Trump’s cabinet downplaying the threat to the public, including saying, “this virus is like other viruses’ in an ABC interview in March 2020. He contracted the virus that November before vaccines were widely available to the public.

In his intro to Trump, Carson continued to peddle questionable claims, including that “the treatment became worse than the disease,” at some point in the pandemic.

On social media, critics were quick to pan Carson’s statements.

“Ben Carson opens up for Donald Trump by spreading misinformation on COVID vaccines,” wrote @kelsientaggart.

“Every cult member, even Ben Carson, has a role to play in their attempt to destroy the experiment in democracy that is the United States, “ wrote @realworld_51.

“Let's ask Herman Caine what he thinks,” wrote @LongscopeTV.

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