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'Disgracing yourselves': MSNBC host buried for letting Trump aide 'steamroll' her on air

MSNBC viewers took to social media on Sunday to slam the network, as well as one of its hosts, for letting a Donald Trump surrogate "steamroll" through an interview without much pushback.

Jason Miller, senior advisor to the 2024 Trump campaign, appeared on MSNBC over the weekend, where he was interviewed by host Chris Jansing.

"You had a plan against Joe Biden. You are confident you could beat him. So how has your strategy changed, and do you think the math has changed?" Jansing asked.

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"Well, the strategy fundamentally doesn't change," Miller responded. "We are running on a very direct strategy of making sure we have a lower cost for Americans and also make our country safer by securing the border."

He continued:

"As we start heading into the return of kids going back to school, the parents are having to spend more money on things like new school clothes and other expenses, and people are reminded again how much more expensive things are under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. That's another thing we think will bring that front and center. Keep in mind, the Democrats have a new person at the top of the ticket with Kamala Harris, but she very much owns all the Joe Biden record, plus she has her own left of center -- as I would say, radical liberal record herself."

Jansing attempted to push back, but it wasn't enough for some MSNBC viewers, who took to X.

@SusanLynn0728 wrote, "Omg why oh why does Chris Jansing have a show on MSNBC? She let trump campaign Miller run all over her and lie and lie without challenging him. He lied about Trump's economy and he also lied about Crime. Without a word from her! Crime is down. Economy is up under Biden."

@RocchiRosanne asked, "Why is Jason Miller on MSNBC?"

@Cheersdwayne said, "Why, in the f---, would MSNBC put that POS Trump spokesman on. A f------ guy who paid for [an] abortion and doesn't pay child support. F--- do better media."


@sushyness said, "Jason Miller is on MSNBC, trying to steamroll Chris Jansing and is succeeding with hardly any pushback. Come on Chris. They're nervous bc you never see Jason Miller on MSNBC anymore. MSNBC is letting that BS message get out there."

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