News in English

I’m terrified of my neighbour – how do I get him to leave me alone?

DEAR DEIDRE: My neighbour scares me and my children and I don’t know what to do about it.

He’s a man in his 50s and I’m 35 and I’m a single mum to two little boys.

This neighbour lives in our block and he is paid to maintain the garden area which we all use. We all pay him separately but if I’m ever late he hangs around outside my flat every day.

He put a note through my door before saying that my contribution was a pound short, but I counted all the money in the envelope so I know it was correct.

Sometimes he bangs on my door really loudly, demanding a payment and threatening that he won’t cut the lawn. Then I feel so responsible for everyone in the flats. But he frightens me too. I just wish he’d leave.

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DEIDRE SAYS: He sounds intimidating and with young children in your home you will feel understandably vulnerable.

Write a polite but firm note asking him to refrain from banging on your door because your children are getting scared.

As all your neighbours pay him, could you request that one of the other neighbours, someone who won’t be intimidated, collect all the money and hand it over?

If this isn’t going to work out, my support pack called Nuisance Neighbours will show you what your rights are and where to turn for help.

You can also find support through Gingerbread (, 0808 802 0925) which helps single parents/carers.


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