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Milkshake brand Frijj slammed by customers for shrinking size of drinks & charging the same

DRINKS brand Frijj has been accused of milking customers by quietly shrinking the size of their milkshakes — without slashing the price.

The chocolate milk bottles decreased in size from a hearty 400ml portion to just 330ml, a drop of more than a fifth.

Frijj has been accused of milking customers by quietly shrinking the size of their milkshakes — without slashing the price[/caption]

It means the supposedly ‘jumbo’ milkshakes are now the same size as a regular can of Coca-Cola.

But the beloved milkshake, churned out by German yoghurt firm Muller, has maintained its £1.50 price point across retailers including Asda and Sainsbury’s, sparking rage among shake fans.

One wrote online: “Can’t believe that they’ve gone smaller and they’re even more expensive now.”

Another blasted: “Just had a Frijj milkshake for the first time in years, it’s now so tiny, the size of a regular 330ml can.

“And twice the price they used to be. This is the real shrinkflation metric, not the Freddos.”

Frijj bottles were last shrunk in 2017 from their original jumbo size of 471ml.

At the time Muller claimed the change had been made because the larger drinks were “too big for one person”.

The shakes are the latest favourite to be whacked by shrinkflation, after we revealed Dairylea Dunkers multipacks had been chopped from four boxes to three.

A Muller spokesman admitted: “Our business is not immune to increased costs of ingredients and production, and as a result, our products are more expensive to make.

“We know that shoppers throughout the country continue to experience increased costs, so we are absorbing as much of the additional cost as possible to ensure they remain affordable for the millions of shoppers who love them.

“As a result, we took the decision to reduce the weight of our on-the-go Frijj range to ensure that this popular product remains affordable and consumers can continue to enjoy.”

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