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2024 Club Update – Round 12

Bonsoir mes amis,

In the light of a Monday morning wherein our men lost their Olympics Bronze Medal play-off to the Saffa’s on the full-time bell, and our women are getting off to a cracking start in their pool with good wins over the Saffa’s and the British to-date, I pen this missive to report on the doings and daring-do of the DDRFC from Saturday 27 July 2024 wherein they did lower visors, tilt forward, spur the flanks of their chargers and so did meet the blue & white of the economically destitute Lindfieldians head-on in the joust. Given the intensity of the rain over Friday night and into the Saturday morn, the Club had opted that the day’s proceedings commence firstly on Taplin for the 4ths and 3rds fixtures, then to transfer out on to the hallowed ground of Drummoyne Oval for Colties, 2nds and Firsts. And so thus was the table set, and the plastic picnic chairs laid out, for the two clubs to ‘get it on’, with results across all grades likely to figure heavily as semi-finals hover into view.

So, sit your backsides down, grab a coffee and pinch a Tim Tam or two as we reflect, deflect, excuse and wallow about in the match reports, accusations, observations and ruminations from various Supercoaches (and others) that did result after Drummoyne met Linfield on the banks of Canada Bay, for Rd12 of the Sydney Suburban Rugby Division One matches of 2024.

Judd Cup (4th grade) – Won 5-3

After forfeiting 5th Grade last week, the club gave the Sutho’s a weekend off. Accordingly, it was the Juddo’s that were first to take to the sodden and heavy-under-foot confines of Taplin as the rain cleared. But after a shellacking last weekend and a decidedly ordinary Thursday night training roll-up, it was unclear which mob of Juddo’s would front: the motivated, or the unmotivated kind? Against that, the Lindfieldians arrived in a flotilla of Audi-filled, well-heeled chariots, positing many whom are clearly agisted on good-sized, trust-fund paddocks, and so were tipping the scales on the more generous side of well-fed, tending to the wagyu end of the grading spectrum. They then promptly got about running a veritable warm-up masterclass at one of the Parc d’Taplin while the Red Men were still getting their wits and acts together at the other. So, given the Lindfieldians were 3rd on table with 7 wins from 10 starts, and given the lack of a 5ths game meant they would surely have a full and capable bench, the Blue ‘Soldier’ Boys were looking ‘well up for it’. Conversely, things weren’t looking good for the 5th placed Red Juddo’s, still trying to find their feet and a few players, with a paltry 2 from 10 for 17pts from the season so far, but somehow not out of the semi-final hunt to date. But the gods do love a gambler and they love a trier even more, and so the Red Men knew they could topple their more fancied opponents, but only if each man decided they really wanted to.

In keeping with the tone of respective preparations, the game did not start well for the Red Juddo’s. Receiving a kick-off that was allowed to bounce, only some white-knuckled defence kept the Lindfieldians at bay throughout the opening salvos. But that sort of scrambling Red resilience set the tone for the match, as while the Blue Boys initially dominated possession, scrums, turnovers and seemingly everything else, near kamikaze Red defence kept the Blue Boys from crossing the red tryline time and again. But the Lindfieldians did nab an early penalty for a 3-0 lead. But then the Red Worm started to turn and, off the back of some truly epic tackling, counter-rucking, and a few positional alterations, the Red Juddo’s didn’t just fight back to parity, but started to dominate the collision-areas. Accordingly, by oranges everyone in the Red huddle knew in their hearts that this match was for the Reds to lose more than the Blues to win. The second stanza saw the new-found Red dominance resume and the pressure was duly rewarded when rampaging No8 Oscar ‘Everywhere’ Lee found himself the next in-line for a pick & drive from another tap & crash close to the Linfield line, and so grabbed himself a pie, that unfortunately went unsauced, but did create a 5-3 lead to the Red Men. Mutual tryline defensive sieges did ensue with both teams beating the other red, black and blue in the tight channels, all the while committing various acts of shenanigans, war-crimes and clothing-removals in dim and dark places (some may dispute the ‘equal’ bit). But despite a penalty shot at goal by each team in the second spell, the scoreboard attendants remained untroubled for the duration, and so the whistle finally blew for a Red Juddo 5-3 victory.

Comments from Supercoach Heller were voluminous with “Jeez, Nutta you got that bottle?” while Stevie was even more reflective with “Bloody Hell, how did we do that?” Such sagacious musings indeed.

Acknowledgements for Best & Fairest went as Sexy (1pt) to Miller ‘Time’ Dunlop, Hot (2pts) to Jack ‘Johnnie’ Walker and Smoking (3pts) to Oscar ‘Everywhere’ Lee.

The win didn’t shift the Red Juddo’s from 5th on table despite now being 3 wins from 11 starts for 21pts. Rather we are 2pts behind 4th placed Blue Goats. However, with both 6th placed Mosman and 7th placed Forest in our scopes, and the Forest match being for double table-points, the Juddo’s are in a remarkably good spot for a cheeky push on semi’s. That said, the Mossy Whales gave the Blue Goats a resounding 17-7 whacking over the weekend gone, so a semi-final spot only awaits those good enough to step up and take it, for it won’t come easy. So enjoy the spell and get focussed on what’s important lads because from here on in, the Red Juddo’s play for our supper.

Whiddon Cup (3rds) – Won 13-12

After dropping a number of entirely winnable matches over recent weeks, the Red Widows came into the weekend at 3 from 10 on 18pts for 5th spot, while the 5 from 10 for 26pts Lindfieldians straddled 4th spot. Thus the Red Thirsties needed to win to stay alive while the Blue Boys needed the reverse to be sure their semi-final spot was locked in. That’s all there was to it. The maths were simple, but therefore remarkably clear. And so, with such clarity to focus the minds of the combatants, the two sides did trot out onto Parc d’Taplin to the hardly-inspiring strains of the Red Juddo’s trying to remember the words to the club song.

Comments from Supercoach Scully afterwards focussed on the Red Widow’s ability to remain optimistic and aggressive despite the recent losses, and so being in a head-space to handle the resulting pressure to win all remaining matches to keep their season alive. Accordingly, the last words from Doc prior to charging the cannons was that no one cared how they won, or if they won by even a single point – just find a bloody way and win! And how prophetic such poetry was. The brutally simplistic requirement to win in any manner achievable forced a conservative game-plan, taking penalty kicks instead of pressing for tries as is more often the case, and this proved prescient particularly given many ‘enterprising raids’ were thwarted by committed Lindfieldian defence. But ultimately, a refreshingly intelligent Refereeing display made for a flowing and fair game in-which pies to Asbo Halstead and Cal Boland alongside a penalty squirt to Nic Scully saw the lads home against the Blue Boys two pies and one sauce. So here’s to a 1pt win no-matter how you get it.

Best and Fairest points were awarded to Stu ‘Sexy’ Hammond, Marcus ‘Smouldering’ Castle, Tom ‘Hot’ Sidgreaves and a continually improving Richard ‘Smoking’ Halstead whom has been a quality late-season inclusion to the squad. That said, special mentions also go out to Jope who dragged himself out of a sickbed to play his cards, Josh ADHD Craig who racked up his now-usual game count, and welcome back from holidays to Corey ‘Bludger’ Johnstone who made three team sheets in one day (maybe he should holiday more often?).

The win leaves the Whiddon Cup table in interesting shape. The Red Widows are now 4 from 11 on 22pts and so in 5th spot, while Lindfield are on 5 from 11 for 27pts and so still in 4th. Given 15pts from good wins over Mosman and the double-points Forest fixture are entirely achievable for this group, they are still well in the hunt for finals, depending other results and catch-up game permutations. So crack on lads. Rest up, train well and do all you can to see yourselves through to another year of semi-finals.

Barbour Cup (Colts) – Draw 10-10

The Red BaaBaa’s came into this weekend in 4th spot on table with 4 wins from 10 starts and so 20pts, a solitary 1pt above 5th placed Colleagues on 19pts. Conversely, Lindfield were in 6th with 3 from 11 on 13pts. So a very handy 5pts bonus-point win was in the offing if the Red BaaBaa’s could muster their skills, build a bit of pressure, maintain some phases and so reverse the 13-7 loss of their last meeting with Lindfield and put on the sort of show we all know they have in them… alas it was not to be. Whilst the draw was gallant and was not a loss (ask the lower grades), it wasn’t the much-needed win either (again, ask the lower grades) and leaves the table in an intriguing state.

Comments from Supercoach Rowdy focussed on how the whole squad were hoping to reverse the close loss of the first round and so getting 3 wins on the trot. Accordingly, the match was fiercely contested from the outset and Nick Long slotted a penalty early to get things moving. However the Lindy’s hit back with a sauced pie and a penalty to match, but a try to Jordy Lancaster pulled the score back to 10-all. Multiple penalty shots both ways in the closing minutes did their best to give the Coaching Committee heart-attacks, however the successive misses kept the spectators from calling for the ambulances and the final whistle thus resulted in a mix of relief and frustration.

Best & Fairest were shared around as 3pts to Xander ‘Nico’ Phillips, 2pts to Aiden ‘Hogget’ Whipps and 1pt to Jack ‘Just Jack’ McLaren.

Thankfully, Forest defeated Colleagues in their fixture so whilst the Colleagues lads are 5th on-table and so hot on our heels, the Red BaaBaa’s remain in 4th spot with 4 from 11 for 22pts. As such, whilst the upcoming match against the undefeated Mosman (12 from 12 and with a full 12 bonus-points earned for 60pts) will be a big ask, the Red Men remain inside the Top4 as it is. And so any points earned in the Mossy game, alongside a strong showing in the double-points fixture against Forest, will see the Red BaaBaa’s in with a real chance in the semi’s, depending other results. Go hard lads.

Burke Cup (2nds) – Won 25-12

The Red Burkies rolled into the weekend with 2 wins from their last 3 starts, and so were at 5 from 10 for 24pts and thus 4th on-table, a mere 3pts in-front of 5th placed Forest. On the other side of the chalk were the 1 from 11 for 10pts, and so stone motherless last, Lindfieldians who were no-doubt desperate for a win both for the day so-far and just for their season overall. As such this shaped as a game both sides were extra-keen to win, but for very different reasons.

Comments from Supercoach Waz were that, after some inspiring results early in the day, the “mighty 2s” were looking to return to the winners circle with an emphatic performance. However the Lindfieldians had the better of the opening exchanges before Drummoyne pressed some advantage through some surprisingly outstanding scrummaging made by what can only be described as a make-shift front row. From there, a penalty goal and a sauced pie by the mercurial Jimmy “I play 8” Vuniwa settled the nerves and established a good foundation to go-on from. However the Red Ressies then notably dropped their intensity and so invited the Lindfieldians back into the contest. However, responding to deeply philosophical and carefully worded poetry, the Red Ressies returned from oranges with renewed effort and focus resulting in high quality pies going to Nial McDermott and Kisa to seal the 25-12 victory.

In a reflective mood regarding the Better and the Fair afterwards, Supercoach Waz conceded the team certainly benefited from the return of front rower Mark McDermott and playmaker Lachie Palm, while also noting that two of the best on the day were undoubtably Kisa and James ‘Fingers’ Leong. But given both Kisa and Fingers ate cheese at different points, the points went as Better (1pt) Kurtis Jones, Fairer (2pts) to Captain Corey Griffin and Man of the Match to Niall “I thought you’d be bigger” McDermott. However, “highlight of the day” was awarded to the effort of star athlete Cory “Holidays” Johnstone, who played full games in 3s and 2s only to run on and play the full first half of A Grade, a performance he no doubt backed up on Saturday night.

As for the table, the Red Burkies reside in house no4 for now, with 6 from 11 on 28pts, 5pts adrift the 3rd placed Hunters. That said, Forest are eyeing them off bale-fully from across the road in house 5 with their 5 from 11 on 25pts. So, the Red Burkies really do need to gather their wits and their wares, to tighten their cinches and gird their loins, as they contemplate the upcoming foray and a possible 5pts, against the Blue Whales of Mosman who are 1 from 12 on 14pts and so ripe for the picking. That said, only a fool would underestimate Mossy as they did put 4 tries on the Blue Goats over the weekend, so they are hardly toothless. So rest well, train hard and show up sharp Bhoyos.


So, there are the reflections on the lower grades from the 27th of July 2024, wherein the DDRFC met the Lindfieldians on the shores of Canada Bay to belt out Round 12 of this year’s iteration of the Sydney Suburban Division One Rugby competition. The slate to that point was 3 good and gutsy Red wins from the Juddo’s, Thirsties and Burkies, alongside one hard-fought draw for the Colties. And so, whilst no Drummoyne middle-grade side was as-yet assured a semi-final spot, all teams came off their respective fields still well in the hunt for their titles. Accordingly, they all now set themselves for a weekend’s reflection, resting and preparation for the upcoming foray on 10th August into the dystopian wastelands of the bearish, penurious and meagre Mosman Whales. But musings of weekends to come such as that were mere details for later contemplation, as all did then turn their eyes and appetites to the impending first grade clash as the 5 from 11 Dirty Reds met the 6 from 11 Lindfieldians on the somewhat sodden expanse of Drummoyne Oval for the main event of the day…

But I’ll leave the telling of that herculean encounter to the soothing, velvety tones of DORK.

Boire le vin,


The post 2024 Club Update – Round 12 first appeared on Drummoyne Rugby.

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