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US official in Cyprus on humanitarian mission

US official in Cyprus on humanitarian mission

US Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Immigration Julieta Valls Noyes is expected to visit Cyprus on Tuesday for meetings with senior government and international officials followed by her visit to the United Kingdom.

Noyes will visit locations related to the provision of humanitarian aid for refugees, asylum seekers and other vulnerable people in the region.

In its statement the US state department, said the Republic of Cyprus is a valuable humanitarian partner and the United States continues to work closely with the government of the country, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and others to strengthen protection mechanisms and providing assistance to those most in need.

In a post on platform X, US Ambassador to Cyprus Julie Fisher said she looked forward to welcoming the US assistant secretary and to discussions on a wide range of humanitarian challenges in a troubled region.

Noyes will travel to London from Cyprus, where she will meet senior government officials from the foreign, commonwealth, and development departments and the Home Office, to discuss the two countries’ ongoing coordination on global humanitarian issues.

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