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Lead Service Line Inventory Funding

For Community Water Systems that serve <1,000 service connectionsAll Community Water Systemswithless than 1,000 service connections(and Non-transient Non-Community Water Systems) have access to the free Lead Service Line Inventory Technical Assistance Program ("LITAP") provided by the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water and its partner, Arcadis. For more information, visit the Alliance's LITAP website.NEW! Coming Spring 2024, the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water will assist utilities serving <1000 service connections with hydro-excavation needs related to validation. To apply, register for LITAP assistance at Alliance's website.For Community Water Systems that serve > 700 service connectionsBeginning in 2024,CWS with greater than 700 service connections are eligible for IFA's LSL Inventory Funding Program. In addition, non-competitive funding can be used for validation needs. However, equipment purchases are no longer eligible.ApplicationThis application is for Community Water Systems that...

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