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Zach LaVine feels he has been singled out too much for Bulls' shortcomings

LaVine has also felt singled out during film sessions and feels like he has taken too much blame for the team’s losing during his tenure — which has produced one playoff appearance in seven years — despite other roster failings, sources told ESPN. Donovan, meanwhile, believes he’s been trying to get LaVine to buy in to a more team-friendly playing style, according to sources, emphasizing the way the Bulls competed in LaVine’s absence last year as evidence for the team’s potential if LaVine fits within the system.
Source: ESPN

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Marc Stein @TheSteinLine
Around-the-league NBA notes lead off with the Bulls and their Zach LaVine conundrum … and proceed in various trade, free agency and Olympic directions after that: PM

More on this storyline

If the seven-year relationship between LaVine and the Bulls could be described as a marriage, it’s one where both sides are in agreement that a separation is needed. Both parties have remained professional for now, but the only question is when, not if, the partnership will end and whether it can do so before things get messy. “He’s never won, he’s done it his way the whole way and never won,” a team source told ESPN. “If he’s interested in winning, he’ll do what’s asked of him. And if he’s motivated to not be here, one way is to come, be compliant and be who he is.” -via ESPN / July 30, 2024
THE TENSION BETWEEN LaVine and the organization has been growing over the past year. When the team got off to a rough start at the beginning of the season, LaVine expressed his frustration with the constant losing. LaVine knew the Bulls had engaged in trade conversations last summer, so through his representation at Klutch Sports, he let the organization know he was open to the two sides working together to find a new destination. It was short of a full trade request, but it still irked Karnisovas, sources told ESPN, a slight perceived as LaVine not being committed to sticking with the team. -via ESPN / July 30, 2024

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