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Elevate Your Golf Game: Swing Speed Training

Written by: Brendon Elliot


Golf, a sport of precision, power, and finesse, is often enhanced by a factor that’s frequently overlooked-swing speed. The speed at which you swing can significantly influence the distance and accuracy of your shots. By prioritizing swing speed training, you can revolutionize your game, leading to longer drives, more control over your shots, and, ultimately, improved scores. In this article, I’ll explore the profound impact of swing speed training in golf and how it can elevate your performance on the course.

First and foremost, increasing your swing speed can lead to substantial gains in your driving distance. The correlation between swing speed and distance is well-documented – even a marginal increase in clubhead speed translates to extra yards off the tee. By integrating swing speed training into your practice regimen, you can boost your clubhead speed, resulting in longer, more powerful drives. This, in turn, can lead to shorter approach shots and, ultimately, lower scores.

Working with my student Lincoln on increasing his swing speed. This has become a normal practice with all of my students in recent years.

Honing your swing speed can profoundly impact your overall on-course performance. A faster swing speed empowers you on longer holes and increases flexibility in approaching the green. Furthermore, it can offer a more comprehensive range of club options for your approach shots, giving you greater control over your game.

Swing speed training contributes to the cultivation of consistency in your play. You can develop a more dependable and reproducible swing by refining your swing speed. Consistency is key in golf, and a more consistent swing can translate to enhanced ball striking and accuracy. This, in turn, can afford you better control over the trajectory and direction of your shots.

My good friend and top-ranked golf fitness coach, Scott Shepard, shows a great drill for working on swing speed gains.

Swing speed training isn’t just about physical gains- it’s a mental game-changer, too. The knowledge that you can generate higher swing speeds can give you a significant confidence boost on the course. And we all know that confidence is a game-changer in golf. It can lead to better decision-making, improved performance, and an enhanced game overall. So, swing speed training isn’t just about hitting the ball harder- it’s about mastering the mental game of golf.

There are a myriad of methods and exercises specifically tailored to bolster swing speed. These include resistance training, flexibility exercises, and specialized equipment such as weighted clubs. But the real game-changer is collaborating with a seasoned golf instructor or trainer. Their expertise can help devise a personalized swing speed training program that aligns with your unique requirements and aspirations, providing you with the support and guidance you need to succeed.



TheStack System: A Fantastic Swing Speed Training Option


The Stack System Golf

TheStack System

I recently partnered with the team at TheStack System golf swing speed trainer and have slowly been introducing it to my students. So far, the results for those who have used it have exceeded my expectations.

golf swing speed training

Data output from TheStack

This training aid is a game-changer for those looking to enhance their swing speed and elevate their golf game.

What makes TheStack System stand out is its personalized focus on building strength, flexibility, and speed. The system consists of a carefully designed training club with varying weights to provide the necessary resistance for targeted muscle development while ensuring a full range of motion. This design allows for a comprehensive workout that directly translates into increased clubhead speed and longer drives on the course.

The versatility of TheStack System is particularly impressive. The interchangeable weights and modular design make it suitable for golfers of all levels, allowing for gradual progression as strength and speed improve. The accompanying training program and app are well-structured and easy to follow, offering a variety of exercises specifically designed to enhance swing speed and overall performance.

TheStack System can also be used in conjunction with personal golf launch monitors such as the Rapsodo MLM2PRO. That collaboration makes the training process even more dynamic and powerful.

TheStack System emphasizes proper technique and form, which is crucial for maximizing the benefits of swing speed training while minimizing the risk of injury. The training aid also comes with access to online resources and support, adding further value to the overall package.

TheStack System is a top-notch golf swing speed trainer that delivers on its promises. Whether you’re a beginner looking to develop a strong foundation or a seasoned player aiming to break through plateaus, this training aid offers a comprehensive solution for improving swing speed and unlocking your full potential on the golf course. I highly recommend TheStack System to anyone serious about elevating their game through targeted and effective swing speed training. Click here to learn more about the product.

Summing Up Golf Swing Speed Training


Swing speed training is a game-changer in golf. It’s not just about hitting the ball harder but about unlocking your full potential as a golfer. By focusing on increasing your swing speed, you can significantly improve your driving distance, refine your overall performance, instill consistency in your play, and boost your confidence on the course. So, please don’t underestimate the power of swing speed training- it’s the key to taking your game to the next level. If you’re ready to start your swing speed training journey, I encourage you to consult a professional and incorporate swing speed exercises into your practice regimen. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll see the results.




PGA Professional Brendon Elliott is a multiple award-winning Golf Professional based in Central Florida. He is the 2017 PGA of America’s National Youth Player Development Award Winner and is the recipient of more than 25 other industry awards with a Brendon Elliot Headshot focus on Coaching & Education. He is considered by his peers as an industry expert on topics ranging from Jr. Golf Development to Operations to Industry Sustainability. He is the founder of the Little Linksters Golf Academies and the Little Linksters Association for Junior Golf Development, a 501c3 nonprofit also based out of Central Florida. Brendon is also a freelance golf writer for, Golf Range Magazine and several other golf websites and blogs. He is a member of the Golf Writers Association of America. You can learn more about Brendon at and Little Linksters at

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