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H.R. 8771 - Department of State, Foreign Operations, Related Programs Appropriations, 2025 - Republican Cloakroom

Washington, June 26, 2024 To view all amendments to H.R. 8771, click hereEn blocs receive up to twenty minutes of debate. Standalone amendments receive up to 10 minutes of debate.Green indicates amendments en bloc. Black indicates standalone amendments.EN BLOC #1:Offered by Diaz-Balart (R-FL) ADOPTED BY VOICEBurgess (R-TX) – Amendment No. 7 – Page 206, line 11 of the underlying bill, strike “60 percent” and insert “80 percent”Connolly (D-VA) – Amendment No. 10 – Increases and decreases funding by $5 million to support civil society in Tunisia and express concern for Tunisia’s authoritarian trajectory and an intensified crackdown against political opponents which has dissolved parliament, annulled the existing constitution, and disbanded the independent judicial systemConnolly (D-VA) – Amendment No. 11 – Increases and decreases funding by $10 million to support the Georgian people in their future Euro-Atlantic aspirations, based on democratic institutions, the rule of law, accountabilit...

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