News in English

Bell County, TX

In order to represent yourself in a courtroom it is imperative that you understand some of the basic terms used on a daily basis in the courtroom. Below is a listing of the more common terms. For more information seek out a legal dictionary in the public library or on the internet.AffidavitA sworn statement in writing made under oath or an affirmation before an authorized magistrate or officer.AlimonyAn allowance made by one spouse to the other for support pending or after a divorce.Also known as: Spousal Maintenance, Spousal Support.AnnulmentDeclaring a marriage void or invalid, as if it never occurred.Case Number /Cause NumberThe number given to a case by the District Clerk's office that specifically identifies a specific case or suit. Also known as: Docket Number.Child SupportMoney paid by a parent to help the other parent support the child.DecreeThe legal document signed by the Judge that grants the divorce and orders the specific terms of the divorce.Also known as: Divorce Decree,...

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