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Kamala Harris Has a Long Record of Attacking Pro-Life Americans

Kamala Harris, the likely Democratic presidential nominee, has a radically pro-abortion record and a history of attacking Pro-Life leaders and organizations.

During her tenure as Vice President, Harris has always spoken very frankly and candidly about abortion. Historically, politicians of her level have hidden behind the “women’s rights” label to avoid talking about what abortion actually involves. Harris’ openness is a clear attempt to normalize abortion on the national stage.

As California’s Attorney General, Harris spearheaded legislation that required Pro-Life pregnancy resource centers to refer clients for abortions. Pregnancy centers offer vital resources, counseling, and aid for women who might feel pressured to choose abortion. Harris’ legislation was a grotesque attempt to coerce life-affirming nonprofits into promoting abortion, which directly contradicted their mission. Thankfully, this mandate was ultimately deemed unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Despite the defeat, Harris has continued to applaud efforts to shut down pregnancy resource centers. Harris’ actions reveal her opposition to offering pregnant women assistance to choose anything except abortion. 

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Moreover, as attorney general, Harris’ involvement in the investigation of Planned Parenthood’s alleged sale of fetal body parts further highlights her alignment with the abortion industry. Instead of investigating the serious allegations, Harris’ office targeted the whistleblowers, particularly David Daleiden, who exposed the potential wrongdoing.

Beyond her actions against pregnancy centers, Harris’s broader record on abortion shows a consistent push for unrestricted access. As a U.S. senator, she co-sponsored the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would have legalized abortion up to birth across all 50 states and removed all state Pro-Life laws. Her extreme stance, which includes backing late-term abortions, goes beyond most Americans’ support of at least a third-trimester ban. Moreover, Harris has refused to support any abortion restrictions, further highlighting her extreme position.

As Vice President, Harris has continued to prioritize abortion, not just as an option, but as a moral good to be celebrated. She is the first sitting Vice President to visit a Planned Parenthood facility, a gesture that demonstrates her strong devotion to the abortion industry.
Kamala Harris’s record and actions make it clear that she is not simply “pro-choice”, but actively “pro-abortion.” Her endorsement for unrestricted abortion, attacks on Pro-Life pregnancy centers, and alignment with the abortion industry all point to an extreme anti-Life agenda that is far out of line with the average American’s convictions.

LifeNews Note: Ashley Leenerts writes for Texas Right to Life

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