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'Likely a plant': Republicans stand up to controversial Trump ally after 'racist' comments

Republicans are standing up to a purportedly racist supporter of Donald Trump as she posts offensive content on his behalf.

Florida activist Laura Loomer, a self-described 'proud Islamophobe' who lost congressional bids in 2020 and 2022, faced staunch criticism Thursday from former Trump aide A.J. Delgado and Sarah Fields, a Republican State Delegate and Precinct Chair in Texas.

"She mocks, calls names and uses vile language… when the best thing for her to do would be to argue the points made against her," Fields wrote in her lengthy, multi-post takedown. "Her behavior, but worst of all, her lies, HARM the Conservative Party."

Fields details Loomer's reported ties — the nature of which the activist contests — to notorious neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes, her anti-Islam rhetoric, efforts to dox her critics, and mass shooting conspiracy theories.

While Fields focuses on the "receipts," it is worth noting several claims are backed up by reporting from established media outlets.

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The Daily Beast previously reported on Loomer's mass shooting conspiracy theories, NBC News reported on Loomer's ban from Uber and Lyft over an anti-Muslim rant, and both Rolling Stone and Mother Jones report of a friendship with Fuentes.

But what appears to outrage Fields most is not Loomer's description of herself as a proud Islamaphobe, but as a journalist.

"It is very rare form for her to show receipts or evidence of any of her 'breaking' stories," Fields writes. "And more times than not, her headlines are disproven. She does this so often, it’s time to start asking ourselves if she is doing it on purpose. It could only be for two reasons, to cause chaos and confusion within the party, or for the likes and popularity."

This attack comes as Loomer doubles down on Trump's highly criticized attack on Vice President Kamala Harris in which he tried to challenge her racial identity.

In one such post, Loomer claimed "

Such racial attacks appear in Delgado's takedown on X over a post that included Loomer's claim that Trump was "blacker" than Harris because he has a mug shot, sneaker line, and three "baby mamas."

"It's also false that Trump 'lifted the ban on blacks and Jews in PB country clubs.' (I know, bc I parroted this lie myself in 2016, until a Jewish family from PB who lived this informed me otherwise,)" wrote Delgado.

"The fact is that Trump was not admitted into the high-end PB country-clubs (he was considered tacky, same as much of NY old money considered him tacky). So, like a toddler, he threw a fit and started his own club."

Delgado then praised Fields' thread on Loomer but questioned her hypothesis that Loomer was a plant meant to cause conservative chaos.

"Wow, fascinating thread regarding lunatic Laura Loomer (friend of Jason Miller and obsessive-Trump-supporter)," Delgado wrote. "This well-meaning conservative puts forth that Loomer is likely a plant (I don't think she is but she's THAT harmful to her own side, that they are starting to suspect it)."

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