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Rayne High School's Elise Boutin named 2025 Louisiana Teacher of the Year

RAYNE, La. (KLFY) -- We all remember the teachers who made an impact on us growing up. At Rayne High School, 12th grade English teacher Elise Boutin is being recognized for the difference that she makes in her students' lives by being named Louisiana's Teacher of the Year.

"It inspires me to, even if I get nervous about stuff, just go forward because they picked me," Elise Boutin, said. "It's really an honor and incredible. I just hope I do a good job."

Boutin had aspirations to become a travel writer after graduating from UL but would later discover she had a talent for teaching.

Boutin began her career teaching in Church Point where she taught for four years. Boutin would later teach at her alma mater in the same room she took the class she is now teaching. The room number is the same as her high school jersey.

During Boutin's 10 years at Rayne High, she has spent time not only in the classroom but also coaching cross country and creating new programs such as Rayne Alive, a news organization dedicated to events happening all over the school.

"It's always great to see students who you wouldn't have thought they would have wanted to get in front of the camera and then they end up excelling," Boutin said.

One of those students was KLFY News 10's own Kye Price.

"She taught me so much about life, and most importantly, about writing, now I use it as a reporter in the industry, and so I'm forever thankful to her," Price said. "And congratulations. Ms. Boutin."

For Boutin, seeing that growth in her students in the most rewarding part of the teaching experience.

"I didn't know that I would make that much of a difference," Boutin said. "I get the most kind of messages, or even I went to a wedding of two of my former students recently. She had sang a song at a talent show, hoping that he would notice her, and I was playing the guitar for her. It's just you get to be a part of life and it's really it's really incredible."

With all of her hard work now leading to Louisiana's Teacher of the Year, Boutin hopes to use the opportunity as a chance to make the education system even stronger.

"I hope that having a bigger platform and a voice for education means that I can help make our systems better," Boutin said. "I'm a good listener and I try to listen to people's needs and I feel like if I just show up and do that each day, then I'll be able to wear the title proudly."

Now, I can't let this story end without saying, "Congratulations, cousin. Keep being you and keep making a difference."

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