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How to Choose a Bushcraft Axe

Home / How to / Kit / How to Choose a Bushcraft AxeA bushcraft axe is one of the most useful tools that you can have in the woods. Probably even more useful than a knife. In this blog, we’re going to discuss the different types of axes available, how to choose the right axe for the right job and what, in our opinion, is the best all-round bushcraft axe. As always, please feel free to read the whole blog or skip to the section that interests you the most.Key considerationsUnderstanding different bushcraft axesAxes that we recommendKit list Further readingKey considerationsNot all axes are created equal and likewise, not all jobs are the same. At the end of the day choosing a bushcraft axe is a personal matter. It comes down to what you want to use it for, chopping, carving, splitting or general duty, the extra weight that you are prepared to carry, how you want to carry it and even your height. Those that are taller will probably find that an axe with a longer handle is easier to use th...

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