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World’s biggest super chicken named ‘Weirdo’ was nearly 2 STONE & was so fierce he killed cats & tore off fan’s finger

THE world’s biggest chicken aptly named “Weirdo” was so large and ferocious he severed fingers and killed cats.

Half-a-century ago lived the superchicken that was four times the size of an average rooster – the same as a medium sized dog.

Sedalia Democrat
Weirdo was known for his violent tendancies[/caption]
Farm Journal
The rooster killed two cats and took a dogs eye out[/caption]
The rooter was four times the size of a normal chicken
Sedalia Democrat

Born in 1970, Weirdo hatched from an incredibly large egg that actually wore his mum out so much she never produced any more offspring.

Weirdo was listed in the Guinness Book of Records throughout the 70s and 80s as the world’s heaviest chicken and still stands as the biggest rooster.

The mega-rooster grew incredibly fast and, along with his physical size grew his violent and aggressive nature.

Weirdo’s owner Grant Sullens, from West Point California, reportedly had to have a whopping eight stitches after losing a fight with the colossal chicken.

Not to mention the mad chicken also killed two cats and took a dogs eye out.

One unlucky fan even lost his fingertip to the murderous chicken.

Weirdo’s gargantuan size was a pre-meditated plan by Grant that took a decade to pull off.

In a shocking tale, before Weirdo, Grant wanted to devise a plan to get his chickens to survive longer after his kept dying in the cold.

With a microscope, tin-can incubators and help from his school teacher, Grant began crossbreeding several different types of chickens – from the Rhode Island Reds to Austrian Cross Whites.

He never revealed what the final mix was that produced colossal Weirdo out of fear other chicken breeders would copy.

Grant mastered the mega breed and named it ‘White Sully’ after himself.

The hybrid invincible chickens that Grant created were reportedly grew fast and big, with good quality meat, great bone structure and didn’t develop cancers.

And just as Grant wanted, they survived bitter-cold conditions.

Upon asking why Weirdo was given his name, Grant reportedly said: “What else could you call something like that.”

The super-rooster breeder went on to say how Weirdo was practically invinceable.

He said: “I’ve kicked this rooster, hit him with a feed bucket, and slugged him when he got me down, but I haven’t hurt him one bit.”

Weirdo and Grant began hitting the headlines and garnering loads of attention from fans.

The chicken almost made it to Hollywood, with filmmaker Errol Morris writing up a movie in 1980 titled “Weirdo” – following the life of Grant Sullens and his development of the superchicken.

But the movie never got made and, soon enough, the breeder and chicken fell out of the press completely.

In the 90s the Guinness Book of Records recognised a new mega-chicken called “Big Snow“, labelling him as the new heaviest chicken in the world and knocking Weirdo off the podium.

Big Snow was actually found to be the White Scully breed that Grant created – and was all the way in Australia.

It is not understood what happened to Weirdo or the White Sully breed, but while he is no longer the heaviest chicken, he still stands as the largest.

World's biggest animals

The Blue Whale is currently the largest animal alive, the Blue Whale averages approximately 110 tonnes and 79 ft.

The African Bush Elephant is the largest of all elephants. Its average weight is 6 tonnes and they can reach up to 10.4 tonnes and measure 23 ft.

Saltwater Crocodiles are the larges of the reptiles. They often weigh between 1,000 – 2,000 lbs and average about 14.8 ft. A crocodile called Cassius in Australia is the largest living saltwater crocodile in the world.

The Common Ostrich is the largest bird in the world. Ostriches weight 230 lbs and are approximately 6.9 ft

It is unclear what happened to Weirdo
Sedalia Democrat

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