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Anjem Choudary’s right-hand man pockets £1,300 compensation after complaining about prison strip search

HATE preacher Anjem Choudary’s right-hand man pocketed £1,300 compensation after he complained about a prison strip search.

Convicted terrorist Mizanur Rahman, 41, accepted an out-of-court settlement over the incident at Belmarsh jail.

Mizanur Rahman, an associate of Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary, accepted an out-of-court settlement of £1,300 over a strip search at Belmarsh jail[/caption]
Islamist preacher Choudary has been jailed for life with a minimum term of 28 years after being found guilty of directing the terrorist organisation Al-Muhajiroun[/caption]

It follows reports Rahman had delivered TikTok rants in support of Choudary, 57, who was recently jailed for 28 years for directing a terror group.

Both were locked up in 2016 for inviting support for IS.

Accountant Rahman, a father of four, also served time in 2007 for soliciting murder of western troops in Iraq.

He got his payment from the Ministry of Justice after the strip search for a mobile phone in 2016, a source confirmed.

Rahman described it as “torture” and tantamount to “human rights abuse”.

Asked about his compensation, he said: “I don’t want to go into the details. They admitted to it and they settled out of court after a long, long legal battle.”

Rahman, who has used online sermons to denounce Israel’s “genocide” in Gaza and insist abortion is prohibited by Islam, reckons he was “targeted as an extension of hatred” towards Choudary.

He said: “Wherever he went, I got caught in that crossfire.”

Prof Anthony Glees, an ­intelligence expert from the ­University of Buckingham, said Rahman should not have been compensated as strip searches “are standard procedure, especially in cases like this”.

The Ministry of Justice said: “We only settle when it’s in tax­payers’ interest.”

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