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'Nothing can compare': Dem strategist calls out GOP insider over Republican anti-Semitism

Two opposing political analysts bickered on CNN Sunday, fighting over whether Democrats or Republicans had a bigger problem with anti-Semitism.

Republican insider Scott Jennings brought up the topic while suggesting that Vice President Kamala Harris choose Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro to be her Vice Presidential nominee. He said that, in doing so, Harris would be standing up against the anti-Semites in her party.

But Democratic strategist Julie Roginsky didn't let that comment slide, instead choosing to point to Donald Trump's own actions.

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Jennings said Harris is "going to have to decide whether she wants to stand up to that part of her base that's effectively awash in anti-Semitism."

"That's the issue with Shapiro, right now. I think she should choose him because it helps her politically, but also it sends a message that she's not going to be bullied by the this part of her base," he said. "So obviously we'll see what she does, but it's pretty obvious to most people that Shapiro's the right answer."

For her answer, Roginsky said, "Let me just respond to something Scott said, nobody in our party is sitting down with Nick Fuentes, or saying that there are people on both sides who are saying Jews will not replace us who are good people in the way that Donald Trump has been, so I want to stow the talk about anti-Semitism in my party when you have a standard-bearer..."

Jennings interrupted, saying, "Nice try."

"Nothing can compare to what Donald Trump has said," she replied.

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