News in English

My boyfriend flew back to Nigeria after I miscarried our child

DEAR DEIDRE: My partner left me and went back to his home country when I miscarried our child.

We met in a cafe. He’s 30 and he gave me his number and arranged for me to call at his house the following night.

His housemate let me in but my soon-to-be partner didn’t show up until really late and he’d been drinking.

He was cross when I was there so I left. He texted me to ask out the next week and then things were better. We had sex together and he asked me to move in.

We were so happy together and after a few months talked about trying for a baby.

Amazingly, I got pregnant almost straight away. At first he seemed thrilled, but within weeks he started talking to other women.

I miscarried and was devastated but instead of supporting me, he booked a flight back to Nigeria. He didn’t care about me or the pregnancy.

He then asked me for flight money to return, which I sent him but I’ve not heard from him again. We are both 28. Am I being taken for a fool?

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DEIDRE SAYS: Yes, I think you are. Somebody who loved you would be there for you, especially after a miscarriage.

My support pack on miscarriage may help you to find some emotional help. Lean on friends and family too and try to put this experience behind you.

In time you’ll come to realise that this guy wasn’t right for you and that a good relationship will be with somebody who is always there for you.



Girlfriend is a spoiled daddy's girl who refuses to move out

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