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Vatican considers the "Little Cajun Saint" Charlene Richard for sainthood

RICHARD, La. (KLFY)-- A ceremony is taking place tomorrow at the Vatican in Rome for Charlene Richard as the investigation into her cause for canonization as a saint begins in the Catholic Church.

Known as "The Little Cajun Saint" in Acadiana, Charlene Richard is known for offering up her sufferings while sick with lymphatic leukemia. She passed away in 1959 at 12-years-old. Richard is known for interceding in prayers that result in unexplainable happenings.

Nanette Reiners, president of the Charlene Richard Foundation, says even if she is not canonized, those in Richard know she is a saint.

"While in the hospital, she would ask who she was supposed to suffer for that day," Reiners said. "It was never about her suffering. It was always about who she had to suffer for that day."

Rev. Korey LaVergne of St. Edward Catholic Church in Richard, where Charlene is buried, said the Diocese of Lafayette closed its investigation earlier this year, delivering a box of about 1,000 documents of stories and interviews about her life and unexplainable happenings to the Vatican in January.

Tuesday, the Vatican will open Charlene's case for sainthood and investigate her life.

Rev. LaVergne said they are unsure of when they will receive an update on Richard's case for sainthood.

"It's all on the Holy Spirit's timeline," Rev. LaVergne said. "That's why the church is always hesitant about saying how long something is going to take, because we in no way want to influence what we call the supernatural work of the spirit by putting it to ordinary, natural means."

"The people in Richard are waiting for Rome to catch up with what they already know to be true, that she's a saint already," Rev. LaVergne said. "You know, we can't make that declaration. Only the Holy Father can."

People in Richard consider Charlene a saint for showing the virtue of hope in her suffering.

"We as Catholics, we don't measure life in terms of numbers of years lived but in how much you lived in those years that you had," Rev. LaVergne said. "Even though Charlene was 12, she accomplished so much in those 12 years, but only because she cooperated with, what we would say, the inspiration of the Holy Spirit."

A rosary will be held for the canonization of Charlene Richard at St. Edward Catholic Church in Richard tomorrow at 6 p.m.

The annual mass in honor of Richard will be held at St. Edward Catholic Church Monday, Aug. 12.

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