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‘Industry’ Season 3 Is Wilder, Funnier, and More Hellish Than Ever

Simon Ridgway/HBO

Three seasons into HBO’s financial drama Industry, I often find myself wondering, How are any of these people still alive?

The show has single-handedly turned the idea of working at an investment bank (boring) into something out of Hieronymous Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights, every character scheming and flirting and twirling ever closer to hell’s wide maw. You wouldn’t think there was any ante left for Industry to up, but in the frenetically paced third season, premiering Sunday night on HBO, it does just that, supercharging its characters’ schemes and plights directly into the seedy world of green-energy philanthropy. We’ve all heard the adage that evil is, when it rears its head, banal. In Industry, it’s spectacular.

The starry-eyed Pierpoint interns of Season 1 are now hardened soldiers in Eric Dao’s (Ken Leung) trading-floor troupe.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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