News in English

‘EU can help break deadlock on Cyprus issue’

With its political and economic tools, the EU can help break the deadlock, Transport Minister Alexis Vafeades said on Sunday.

He said President Nikos Christodoulides’ contacts with European and international partners aim to strengthen efforts to find a sustainable solution, in accordance with United Nations resolutions.

Speaking at a memorial service for the fallen of the community of Eptakomi, he said “the Greek Cypriot side is ready to return to talks with the aim of reaching a solution that will bring security and peace to all Cypriots.”

Turkey’s intransigent stance continues to hinder negotiations, despite the determination of the Greek Cypriot side, Vafeades said, adding that Christodoulides seeks an immediate return to dialogue, with respect for the principles of EU and international law.

Referring to the Eptakomites who fought in July 1974, the minister said “we also pray for the finding and ascertainment of the fate of the missing persons of the community.”

Finally, he said that it is our duty “to continue fighting for the reunification of Cyprus, for the restoration of the rights of all Cypriots, for peace and prosperity throughout the island.”

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