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China and Russia exploit US security vacuum in Afghanistan: Fox News

Fox News reported that the U.S. intelligence “failure” on the eve of its exit from Afghanistan not only led to a chaotic evacuation and the deaths of American soldiers but also created a security vacuum that is now being exploited by America’s “adversaries,” such as China and Russia.

The network wrote on Sunday that as the United States distances itself from its longest war against terrorism, China and Russia have increasingly expanded their influence in South Asia and the Middle East.

Michael Rubin, a researcher at the American Enterprise Institute and an expert on Middle Eastern and South Asian security, told Fox News, “We don’t know that by turning our backs on Afghanistan and just wanting to close the door and leave, we’re creating a vacuum. Someone else will come and fill that vacuum.”

No country officially recognizes the Taliban government, but some regional countries, including China and Russia, have established close diplomatic relations with the group.

Fox News highlighted China’s request last year that the Taliban should not be isolated from the international community and Russia’s consideration of removing the Taliban from its list of terrorist organizations. The report noted that Beijing and Moscow use the region to achieve their strategic goals.

The report also mentioned that the Taliban’s opposition to Western ideology benefits Russia by promoting anti-American sentiment. According to the report, Moscow also seeks to expand trade relations with Afghanistan and other regional countries to bypass Western sanctions.

The report also discussed the Taliban’s relations with China, noting that last year, the Taliban expressed a desire to join China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

Fox News also wrote that Beijing is seeking to provide drones to the Taliban, which could undermine the U.S. strategy of “horizon surveillance” regarding Afghanistan.

Additionally, the report mentioned that Pakistan is willing to assist Russia in circumventing Western sanctions.

The American Enterprise Institute researcher pointed out that the root of the U.S. “failure” in assessing the region’s security situation lies in looking at Afghanistan in isolation. Mr. Rubin said, “We want to see the trees, not the forest.”

The report underscores the significant consequences of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, highlighting how the ensuing power vacuum has allowed rival nations to advance their strategic interests.

The involvement of China and Russia in the region not only shifts the balance of power but also poses new challenges to U.S. foreign policy and global security.

This situation is a stark reminder of the complexities and long-term implications of military withdrawals and geopolitical shifts. It calls for a comprehensive understanding of regional dynamics and a strategic approach to address emerging threats and opportunities in a rapidly evolving international landscape.

The post China and Russia exploit US security vacuum in Afghanistan: Fox News appeared first on Khaama Press.

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