News in English


Sunday 18 August, 2024

Leading Greater Manchester based male victim/survivor charity, We Are Survivors, is working with Greater Manchester Police's Major Incident Team, investigating a series of rapes in the city centre.

Police believe the 47 year old suspect, currently remanded in custody awaiting trial, primarily targeted intoxicated men before raping them and taking their personal items between February and July 2024. Following his arrest on 21.07.24, he has now been charged with 12 offences including multiple rapes, sexual assault and theft.

The Charity's Chief Executive Officer, Duncan Craig OBE, who is a survivor himself and founded the organisation in 2009 to support male victims/survivors, said: "We are working closely with our colleagues at Greater Manchester Police, aiming to provide our specialist support to all of those impacted by this investigation, including anyone coming forward with information or as a witness."

"over the past 15+ years we have seen so many times, cases where male victims are involved being reported in the press, generating more people stepping forward to get help for what happened to them at any point in their life".

Detective Inspector Paul Davies from Greater Manchester Police Major Incident Team said: “Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to those who have already come forward and provided their accounts, they have shown unbelievable courage and bravery”. “We are continuing to support them now and throughout the investigation”.

“I would urge anyone out there who may have witnessed, been a victim of or has any information in connection with these horrific offences to please come forward”.

“We are here to listen to you and are committed to obtaining justice and can assure the community that any report received will be thoroughly investigated and dealt with in a sensitive manner”.

The We Are Survivors ISVA (Independent Sexual Violence Advisor) team, whose role it is to support victims and survivors through the criminal justice system, are inviting anyone who wants to talk that doesn't feel able to speak with the Police to contact the charity directly on 0161 236 2182 or email - all contacts will be taken seriously.

Greater Manchester Police have opened a dedicated Major Incident Public Portal, creating opportunities to submit information at

If you or someone you know has been a victim of rape or sexual assault, we encourage you not to suffer in silence and reach out for support. You can report it to the police by calling 101 or 999 in an emergency.

You can also report information and crimes on Greater Manchester Police website (

Alternatively, you can report information anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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