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Governor Newsom Vetoes Refinery Air Quality Bill

Today, Earthjustice and its clients are expressing profound disappointment following Governor Gavin Newsom’s decision not to sign Senate Bill 674, the Refinery Pollution Reduction and Transparency Act. The bill, authored by Senate Majority Leader Gonzalez (D – Long Beach), aimed to establish critical air monitoring standards and transparency measures for refineries, protecting the health and safety of those living near these industrial sites. SB 674 would have required refineries to promptly notify the public when emissions exceed safe thresholds, conduct quarterly reporting, provide real-time air quality data, and perform independent third-party audits. In addition, the bill mandated that root-cause analyses be completed within 24 hours of any incident, with all findings and corrective actions disclosed to the public within 14 days.

“For years, vulnerable communities have been pleading for transparency and protection from the toxic emissions that refineries spew into their homes, schools, and neighborhoods,” said Oscar Espino-Padron, senior attorney at Earthjustice’s Community Partnerships Program. “Governor Newsom’s decision not to sign SB 674 is a disappointing blow to these communities and a missed opportunity to enact meaningful change that could have saved lives and improved public health. This setback will not deter our efforts and we will keep pushing for the transparency and safeguards that our communities deserve.”

The failure to enact SB 674 leaves in place the status quo, where loopholes and insufficient monitoring continue to endanger the health of Californians living near refineries. Environmental justice communities have long endured the hazardous and sometimes deadly effects of nearby refineries, which often malfunction, and emit toxic chemicals like ammonia, formaldehyde, and benzene.

"Governor Newsom's decision not to sign SB 674 is a setback for communities like mine in West Long Beach and Carson, who have been fighting for clean air and transparency for decades," said Jan Victor Andasan, community organizer at East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice. "SB 674 was a crucial step in understanding and addressing the toxic air pollution that fenceline communities have been breathing for years. This decision leaves us vulnerable, but our fight for environmental justice is far from over. We will continue to demand the protection and transparency our communities deserve."

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