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'Why wouldn't they like me?' Trump unable to believe he's unpopular with women

Former President Donald Trump went off onto a lengthy tangent during his speech on crime in Michigan asserting that suburban women ought to think he's the greatest president ever.

This came after the MAGA leader rattled off a long list of violent sexual assaults committed by migrants and immigrants in the country unlawfully.

"So when I return to the White House, we will stop the plunder, rape, slaughter, and destruction of our American suburbs, our cities and towns," said Trump. "And I think that women living in the suburbs, I keep hearing about the suburban woman doesn't like Trump. Well, I think it's a fake poll, because why wouldn't they like me? I keep the suburbs safe. I stopped low-income towers from rising right alongside of their houses and I'm keeping the illegal aliens away from suburbs. I think they like me a lot. I think it's a lot of fake polls. We've seen a lot of fake polls over the years, I was not supposed to win anything, and we won the big one, we won it, and did a lot better than the second time than I did the first."

ALSO READ: Why Trump won't win Wisconsin

"But women want to have safety, they want to have a strong military, they want to have a strong police force, they want to be in their house and they want to be safe," Trump continued. "They don't want to be — have people pouring into their doors, and you can't do anything about it, right?"

When Trump says he "stopped low-income towers from rising" in the suburbs, he is likely referring to his decision to suspend the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule, an Obama-era regulation that didn't mandate that suburbs build large housing projects, rather required that neighborhoods getting federal housing grants to ensure their development policies don't perpetuate racial segregation. The Biden administration reinstated the rule shortly after Trump left office.

Trump has made similar remarks before. During a Pennsylvania campaign rally in the 2020 election, he begged suburban women to like him, saying "I saved your damn neighborhood."

The Republican Party in general has seen slipping numbers in recent years among women, and among suburban voters, which has reduced their ability to build large majorities in congressional races and made battlegrounds out of states they used to dominate, like Georgia and Arizona.

Watch the video below or at the link here.

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