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Former Chicago Chief of Detectives on DNC Elites ‘Feasting’ Like Royalty, in Their Fortified Castle Walled Off from Reality (Video)

Former Chicago Police Department chief of detectives, Gene Roy.

The Chicago Police Department’s former chief of detectives, Gene Roy, called out the hypocrisy and myriad of ironies surrounding the DNC in the Windy City this week.

Roy told Fox News Digital, “There’s a lot of ironies associated with the DNC being held at the United Center.”

He pointed to the murder of 7-year-old Jai’Mani Rivera, who was killed by a stray bullet just blocks away from the venue where the elites are protected with extensive security and security walls.

His alleged killer is a 16-year-old with a violent history who was allowed to move freely about the city.

In contrast, Roy pointed out the differences between what the party elites do to protect themselves and what they do not provide to the mothers, fathers, elderly, and children of Chicago who are left to fend for themselves.

He called what is happening at the DNC “window dressing” choreographed to hide the real and catastrophic problems faced by residents.

Roy said, “I find the whole DNC convention here as an example of the elitism of the Democratic Party.”

“The politicians are inside a heavily fortified building, almost like a castle. They’re feasting on the best of food and liquor while protected by hundreds of armed police officers and two separate fences.”

“When I think about it, it reminds me of a king and his court living the high life in a castle in Europe protected by an army while a moat, the two separate perimeters, and fences, isolates the castle and the powerful from the reality of life outside.”

While the party elites have dance parties and pat themselves on the back for some “clever” gotcha zingers, outside the castle wall, where children need to get to school, parents need to get to work, and grandmas need to get to the store, absolute chaos has unfolded in the streets. Chaos that does not touch the glitterati inside the United Center.

On Monday, the “party of Joy” far-left protestors broke down a portion of the DNC convention border gate and climbed over the barrier.

Democrat hypocrites built a wall around the DNC convention in Chicago to keep the far-left protestors away from the party elitists.

The pro-Hamas protestors broke down the gate and began flooding over to the next barrier.

On Tuesday, communist democrat voters targeted the Israeli Consulate and burned American and Israeli flags in the street.


The post Former Chicago Chief of Detectives on DNC Elites ‘Feasting’ Like Royalty, in Their Fortified Castle Walled Off from Reality (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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