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Infosheet 20 - The Australian system of government

Australia is a federation of six states which, together with two self-governing territories, have their own constitutions, parliaments, governments and laws. This infosheet is about the national or central government, usually called the Federal Government, Commonwealth Government or Australian Government. However, state and territory governments are also based on the same principle of parliamentary government.It is recommended that this infosheet be read withInfosheet No. 13 The Constitution and Infosheet No. 19 The House, government and opposition.The Australian Coat of Arms signifies the national unity of Australia and is a sign of its identity and authorityParliamentary governmentThe Constitution of Australia establishes the Federal Government by providing for the Parliament, the Executive Government and the Judicature (more usually called the Judiciary)—sometimes referred to as the ‘three arms of government’. However, some of the central features of Australia’s system of government...

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