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Trump's most 'embarrassing' attack on 'Coach Walz' singled out by sports analyst

During an appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," popular sports analyst Pablo Torre explained how the Democratic Party, in major part because of the Vice Presidential nomination bestowed upon Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN), has stolen football away from Republicans as an appeal to voters.

Noting the overwhelming influence football plays in American culture, Torre claimed Democrats, by focusing on the Minnesota Democrat's tenure as a high school football coach, have taken something away from Donald Trump and led to an unforced blunder by the former president on Thursday night.

Then Torre explained, it was a major "embarrassment" for Donald Trump to go on Truth Social and blurt, "Walz was an ASSISTANT Coach, not a COACH."

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"I think it is the most embarrassing thing, among many embarrassing things I've heard him say," he told the hosts. "He said, Walz is an assistant coach, not a coach. What that reveals is that Donald Trump doesn't know ball at all. Donald Trump does not know football — it's embarrassing!"

"It actually is embarrassing," co-host Joe Scarborough interjected. "It is embarrassing for so many reasons, but I will say, being an assistant coach is not a step down from being a coach. Being an assistant coach — you go back and look, and, often, you're far closer to your assistant coach, to your defensive coordinator, to your D-backs coach, to your line coach. It's like, man, those linemen on my high school team, they were thick as thieves with the line coaches. They were their own sort of subset there. "

"First of all, just the math shows how stupid Trump is," former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) offered. "There are a lot more assistant coaches than there are head coaches. I mean, by exponential numbers. And, you know, clear-eyes, full hearts, can't lose, right? This is great, we have taken back from the Republicans the three big Fs: the flag, freedom, and, my favorite, football. And I think it is great that we are celebrating a game that does bring America together."

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