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The Ocasio Convention

First, a note about “Ocasio.” Back in the 1930s, newspapers determined that American presidents with surnames extending beyond six letters needed to be identified by their three initials (FDR, JFK, LBJ) because seven letters could not fit across a tabloid front-page headline. (One exception was Eisenhower, whom they called “IKE” instead, because he already was known by that three-letter nickname. The other exception was Clinton because he was known as “Bill” and not “William” so WJC was confusing, and — unlike Roosevelt, Kennedy, and Johnson — his “seventh letter” was the thin “I” which could fit into the header.

From the day she emerged as the “Squad” star, I have refused to denote Ocasio in my writings as “AOC.” To me, those letters stand for “Antisemite Of Color.” She is not the president of the United States, only a media-created celebrity who is famous for being famous like Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Tila Tequila, and anyone surnamed Kardashian. She gets no acronym from me. Other than Ike, no other of our 46 American presidents ever has had a surname extending beyond three syllables. I am a lung transplant survivor, and she does not merit six hyphenated syllables of my breath. Since “Cortez” is a bit generic, she is “Ocasio.” End of preface. (READ MORE: Anti-Democratic Skullduggery Against West, Stein From the Democratic Party)

Now back to business:

Back in the 1950s, Stalin had a film crew sent to America to create a movie depicting the way American blacks were persecuted and oppressed under the evils of capitalism. The film showed run-down ghetto areas, instances of poverty, blacks consigned to buying only breakfast cereal and plain bread at the grocery because they could not afford more nutritious fare. Upon the film’s release to the Soviet public, citizens — comrades — were compelled to watch the movie to see how communism was far superior to capitalism. As people left the cinema, several film viewers emerged with the same observations:

“When those black people went shopping, did you see how many different brands of cornflakes they have in America?”

“Did you see how those grocery shelves were stacked with bread? And so many different brands? No bread lines, even for the poorest!”

“Where in the world do they get such shoes? They make such beautiful shoes in America.”

I was thinking of that movie as the Democrat National Convention (DNC) played on the Chicago stage for a four-day run.

The DNC aimed at putting its best feet forward with its galaxy of stars: Obama 2, Obama 1, Clinton 2, Clinton 1, Biden at his most woke (i.e., still awake after his usual bedtime), Command Sergeant Major Walz, and the first major party presidential candidate in American history never to have garnered a single vote in any presidential election, not even in a primary. For the benefit of my kinsmen, they also put three Jews on the stage in one day: a communist (Sanders), a Senate majority leader who has called on the citizens of Israel to overthrow their duly elected democratic government (Schumer), and a man who proudly told the crowd of sycophants that he goes to church with his wife on Easter and celebrates Christmas with her, and in return she cooks him a meat dinner on Passover (Emhoff). (READ MORE: Tim Walz Lied About IVF)

Great way to get my vote. To get the Catholic vote, how about a prominent Democrat on the stage mocking the Pope? Or, for the black vote, maybe a guy painted in Whiteface?

But, really, at the center of it all was Ocasio. Indeed, the convention was the Ocasio Occasion.

There are 435 Congressional districts. The Democrats have about half of them, around 215 (depending on who is alive on any given day). They also have 51 senate seats. Of all 266 of them, whom did the Democrat party elevate to be the first night keynoter? Ocasio.

It Was An Ocasio Occasion

And the crowd of Biden delegates loved it. With a few manifest exceptions caught on screen by panning cameras while sitting on their hands, the Democrats of 2024 lapped her up. She is the face of today’s Democrat party. Bidens, Clintons, and Obamas are passing into their twilight. In time, for all their majesty and glory, they will be dust and will be called to task by the true King. Ocasio is the Democrats’ next generation.

If the organizers of the Chicago DNC were planning to show America the glories of socialism and the evils of capitalism, the glory of their platform and the unity of their party after having virtually assassinated their own president with greater precision and skill than evinced by the dirtbag on the roof in Butler, Penn., they instead left me and half America with the questions: Did you see how many different brands of corn flakes they have in America? Did you see how those grocery shelves were stacked with so many different brands of bread? Where in the world do they get such shoes?

That is, they may have impressed themselves with the show they put on, but those who objectively looked and listened carefully, drawing their own conclusions from naked emperors, saw a very different reality: The Democrat party of Andrew Jackson, James Polk, FDR, Harry Truman, and JFK now struts out Ocasio as their standard-bearing vision for the future. (READ MORE: Five Quick Things: The DNC-Free 5QT)

Understand who and what Ocasio is. She is bosom buddies with Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. They share the same worldview, from defunding police and ICE to opening the borders, no-cash bail, the bankrupting Green New Deal, and killing home-derived energy. Her district’s 19.6 percent poverty rate is 1.5 times the percent of people in average Congressional districts. That is why she fought successfully to prevent Amazon from creating 25,000-40,000 good-paying jobs in her district. It would have changed her district’s electoral base to more educated voters who get their news from news outlets and who do not need a politician who holds her job by promising to deliver government charity to the poor. Her constituents are less educated. They speak languages other than English at home at more than twice the rate of other districts. Their percentage of veterans is a fraction of that of other districts.

It is perfectly fine and respectable for people to have less formal education or to speak languages other than English at home. Nothing wrong with that. All four of my two paternal grandparents and two maternal grandparents spoke Yiddish at home, and none finished high school. Nor is a college education necessarily more praiseworthy than vocational skills and careers. Indeed, arguably, today’s colleges need to be replaced by vocational schools to teach young people how to build a house, not just pop up a tent ordered from Amazon. Vocational skills and careers are honorable and probably contribute more to our lives than do many with useless college degrees.

The point here is that a Congressional representative representing a minor district so below the mainstream should not be adulated as the next great generational leader of America. For that, parties turn to governors and senators, speakers of the House, or committee chairs. Not a loud-mouth squirt who has absolutely no grasp of fundamental economics and world affairs, and who consorts primarily with intensive anti-Semites and repulsive people like Tlaib, Omar, the recently defeated Jamaal Bowman, and Cori Bush, all driven by wanton hate and jealousy of white people who never did an offensive thing to any of them.

Further commentary on Kamala Harris can wait for another day. So can her remarkably foolish socialist agenda of government intervention in the free market. The most compelling image of this week’s DNC was Ocasio, famous for being famous, driving the clown car.

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The post The Ocasio Convention appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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