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‘Daily Show’ Calls Out Kamala Harris for Sharing Little Policy Beyond ‘Joy’ | Video

“The Daily Show” correspondent Jordan Klepper has an issue with Kamala Harris’ lack of clear policies from her presidential campaign — namely, that it’s not clear what the Democratic candidate’s policies are, including none of them being laid out on her campaign website.

Klepper spoke with several Democratic National Convention attendees who all effused about one thing: the “palpable” sense of “joy” felt at the convention — but not much else. “But something they’re a little light on are the specifics,” Klepper explained.

In a clip from The National Desk shared by Klepper, the voiceover notes, “The Kamala Harris site remains vague. There’s bios for her and her running mate Tim Walz, but there are noticeably no policy stances.”

Klepper responded, “Maybe the party faithful could help fill those details in,” before cutting to conversations between him and DNC attendees. The attendees featured in the clip appeared unable to explain which of Harris’ policies are behind their support of her candidacy, or even what they are looking forward to from her administration.

Near the beginning of the clip, Klepper spoke to a man wearing Pride flags on a white jacket. The man had also written the word “gay” across his jacket in different colors. “You have quite the outfit here,” Klepper said while gesticulating toward the man. “Walk me through it, give me a little spin.”

“Well, you know, I’m from Florida and our governor doesn’t like you to say ‘gay.’ So I’m going to say gay a lot,” the man cheerfully explained. “Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay,” the man said as he showed off his coat.

“I can tell from your outfit you’re a one-issue voter. You’re all about the economy,” Klepper quipped.

The timeline of the DNC implies that the interviews were conducted before Harris’ closing night speech. Though the speech did not lay out details of specific planned policies, Harris noted some of her administration’s priorities: reproductive health care rights, a bipartisan border plan and passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.

Harris launched her race a month ago and with it ushered in an emphasis on change and all things new — new candidate, new race, new plans. The BBC noted this week that plans to keep the campaign’s plans vague for the time being are intentional, and has even allowed her to appeal to a wider range of voters.

The post ‘Daily Show’ Calls Out Kamala Harris for Sharing Little Policy Beyond ‘Joy’ | Video appeared first on TheWrap.

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