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The Stakes for Women in This Election Are Enormous

Is abortion the only issue that affects women’s lives?

In my view, the Democrat Party is brazenly erasing womankind across the board. They support gender not sex-based rights, which seems to mean the end of sports for girls and women and the weird requests to identify one’s gender “assigned at birth” and how one identifies now on medical forms and school applications.

Iran, China, and Russia are waging a war against the West. This is real, not a paranoid fantasy.

It also means the balkanization of identities into black, Hispanic, tribal, Native Indian, ethnic, LGBTQ+, etc. The Democrats sponsored caucuses divided up in precisely this way.

Harris and Walz support trans “rights for children” above and beyond parental authority, and a trans rights movement that is essentially powered by Big Pharma, Big Surgery, Big Mental Health, and by a very angry Men’s Rights movement. (READ MORE from Phyllis Chesler: Silence of the Feminist Lambs: Not a Word on Hamas Horrors)

The Democrats also support legalized surrogacy, despite the potentially negative consequences to the birthmother and to the child created for the purpose of being adopted away from their birthmother. These are all economic growth industries for everyone involved.

To me, and to my generation of pioneering radical feminists, this erasure of biological women is regressive, not progressive.

Islamism and Women

However, and just as important, the Democrat Party and their presidential and vice-presidential candidates also lend their support to fascism and Islamist terrorism, which they consider to be a form of “resistance,” or “freedom fighting.”

The Democrat National Convention featured a panel on Palestinian rights subtitled: “We Need to Restore the Soul of the Democratic Party.” Speakers were prominent Islamists and anti-Zionist Jew haters including James Zogby, the founder of the Arab American Institute, Keith Ellison, Minnesota Attorney General, and Hala Hijazi, a “Democratic organizer and fundraiser who’s had over 100 family members killed in Gaza.”

Palestine and Human Rights? But not a panel devoted to Sudan, where real genocide and mass starvation is underway. There was no special panel about human rights in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, North Korea, China, or in any of the Arab Muslim states.

This tells me that the Democrats are perfectly willing to continue sacrificing the women and dissidents of Iran and Afghanistan — as well as all those civilians in the West whom Iran has targeted for destruction — beginning with it’s plan to wipe Israel off the planet, half of whose population are women, and “people of color.”

This party also supports Iran’s and its proxies’ killing American soldiers and Hamas’s kidnapping of Americans as hostages; Obama-Biden’s funding of Iran’s nuclear program, and Iran’s funding of Hamas’s terrorist underground tunnels which run the entire length of the Gaza strip. Lots of women and children, Hamas’s human shields, live or once lived there.

This is also the party that has restrained Israel in terms of fighting back in what is an existential battle for its’ survival. Harris backs the embargoing of arms to Israel and has “emphasized Palestinian suffering due to Israel’s punishing military operations.”

Iran, China, and Russia are waging a war against the West. This is real, not a paranoid fantasy. And the Democrats seem willing to continue appeasing these countries.

Women and Crime

Women live in every city, every state, including women of color. The Democrat Party’s position, across the country, is no bail, de-fund the police, catch and release criminals and migrants of color no matter how grievous a crime they have committed. Borders? They do not believe in any. However, women are also the victims of such policies, with Mexican cartels now utilizing rape as a form of currency for female migrants trying to cross the border. (READ MORE: Immigration of Cultures Hostile to the West Must End)

Even those who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome or who feel deeply about women’s reproductive freedom and about anti-sexism in general, should begin to factor in these concerns as well.

The post The Stakes for Women in This Election Are Enormous appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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