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I’m a child expert and I swear by my simple hack that instantly calms down toddlers – it will literally change your life

A CHILD expert has revealed a super simple hack that will immediately calm down an angry toddler.

So if you’ve got a little one that is constantly crying, moaning and answering back, you’ve come to the right place. 

A father and Pediatrician has shared his ‘magic’ trick that calms down angry toddlers in seconds
So if your little darling is driving you mad, you’ll need to check this out
According to Dr Williams, whispering is the key

Dr Williams, a Pediatrician and dad-of-five from Utah, US, revealed that people have called him a ‘magician’ for his ‘instant toddler tantrum relief’ trick.

He claimed that it’s “simpler than you think” and “will literally change your life”.

Posting on social media, the savvy father explained that his hack is the “easiest and quickest” way to calm down an angry child.

He claimed: “I use this with toddlers in my own clinic and their parents think that I’m a magician, but really, it’s pretty easy.

“When a toddler is upset and their feelings and their emotions just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger, what I want you to do is whisper.”

Dr Williams shared that whilst he ”doesn’t know” why whispering works, he claimed that it “snaps” kids out of their emotions, and fast.

He continued: “I think it registers something into their little brains that says, ‘hey, we’re not in crisis mode here, everything’s okay’.

“In a calm whisper, I want you to communicate that they are being heard and understood.

“And remember that tantrums are developmentally appropriate at this age, they are learning how to handle new, big emotions, without yet having the language to communicate what they want.”

Dr Williams explained that whilst tantrums may be “frustrating” to deal with, it’s important that parents see and understand their child’s emotions. 

The TikTok clip, which was posted under the username @tiktokkiddoc, has clearly left many open-mouthed, as it has quickly racked up 774,500 views.

Parents were thankful for the advice and were keen to share this in the comments.

Best thing I’ve heard in sooo long

TikTok user

One person said: “Thanks heaps, I needed some help in this part of life.” 

Another added: “Great advice! Thanks a million for the tip!” 

Tips for Dealing with Toddlers

IF you're struggling to control your toddler, here's ten tips that you need to know...

  1. Stay Calm and Patient
    • Take deep breaths and maintain a calm demeanor.
    • Patience is key; toddlers are still learning to navigate their emotions and behaviors.
  2. Set Clear Boundaries
    • Establish consistent rules and explain them in simple terms.
    • Be firm but gentle in enforcing boundaries.
  3. Offer Choices
    • Give your toddler options to foster independence.
    • For example, let them choose between two outfits or snacks.
  4. Use Positive Reinforcement
    • Praise good behavior and offer small rewards.
    • Acknowledge their efforts and achievements to encourage repetition of positive actions.
  5. Create a Routine
    • Structure and predictability help toddlers feel secure.
    • Maintain regular meal times, nap times, and bedtime routines.
  6. Stay Engaged
    • Spend quality time interacting with your toddler.
    • Read, play, and explore activities together to strengthen your bond.
  7. Be a Role Model
    • Demonstrate the behavior you expect from your toddler.
    • Use polite language, share, and show empathy in your interactions.
  8. Encourage Communication
    • Help your toddler express their feelings with words.
    • Teach them simple phrases to communicate needs and emotions.
  9. Redirect Attention
    • When faced with undesirable behavior, distract and redirect their focus.
    • Introduce a new activity or toy to shift attention away from the issue.
  10. Ensure Safety
    • Child-proof your home to prevent accidents.
    • Supervise your toddler closely to keep them safe while exploring.

A third commented: “Best thing I’ve heard in sooo long. I am passing this to my girls, thanks.” 

Not only this, but other parents raved about the useful method. 

I learned this 20 years ago. It works!

TikTok user

One woman beamed: “That’s crazy you’re saying this, because I just tried this and it 1000% worked!”

A second chimed in: “This absolutely works. I did this with my own kids and when I ran a daycare center. It works soooo well.”

Whilst someone else expressed: “Yes! I learned this 20 years ago at a parenting conference. It works!”

What is a temper tantrum?

Usually starting at around 18 months, temper tantrums are very common for toddlers.

One of the reasons for these meltdowns is because they want to express themselves but don’t have the necessary skills to do so yet and this frustration comes out as a tantrum.

It’s also why temper tantrums tend to happen less often once a child can talk, according to the NHS.

How to stop temper tantrums

Find out why the tantrum is happening:

There are many reasons your child may have a tantrum, it could be as simple as them being tired or hungry.

They could also be feeling jealous, or just need attention and love.

Find a distraction:

If you think your child is starting a tantrum, finding something to distract them with straight away can help.

This could be a toy, or something you see out the window, like a dog or a flower.

Be prepared when you’re out shopping:

A parents know, many tantrums happen in shops and it can be hard to keep your cool.

Keeping shopping trips as short as possible can help, as well as involving your child in the shopping by talking about what you need and letting them help you.

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