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Frank Pavone: Why Pro-Life Americans Should Support Donald Trump

Let’s start with the basics. You believe it, I do too, and I proclaim it every day: no abortion is ever justified; no law or court decision or constitutional amendment can authorize even a single abortion, not for any reason even if you spent a million years trying to think of one.

It’s a moral absolute. There are no exceptions. And the right to life is something we are obliged to protect everywhere, not just in certain states or places while not in others.

So, being in agreement on that, what are we waiting for? Why isn’t all abortion banned today? Why are we waiting before we protect all the babies?

The fact is, we are not waiting. You and I and so many with us are doing all we can every day to end abortion. We are not faltering in our commitment, we are not compromising on our principles, and we are not taking our eyes off the prize.

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The fact is that we don’t have the power to simply wave a magic wand and protect all the babies today.

We have to change minds and hearts, and we have to change public policy. It takes a lot of time, and there are many tools we need to use to do both.

We need freedom of speech (so we can educate people on abortion), freedom of religion (so we can activate Churches to protect the unborn), freedom of assembly (so we can have pro-life marches, rallies, protests and prayer vigils), existing pro-life laws (which actually keep some money away from abortion clinics and protect some babies under the law) and many more tools besides.

And the Democrat Party wants to take those tools away from us. They’re throwing peaceful prolifers in prison, censoring pro-life speech, trying to shut down pregnancy centers, and canceling pro-life politicians.

They are Marxist tyrants, pure and simple.

Politically, the person best positioned to stop this is President Donald J. Trump.

He is ready to protect the tools we need in order to end abortion.

We don’t need him to give pro-life speeches like you and I would give, or commit to signing bills (like a national ban on abortion) that aren’t going to come to his desk in the first place.

We have to get him elected, because if the Democrats have their way, the pro-life  movement will not have the political freedom to protect any babies.

And yet here we are, over the weekend and today, arguing on social media and in the press about whether we can support President Trump because, as some say, he’s “backing away” from the pro-life position.

Friends, the choice before us is not between President Trump and somebody better. It’s between President Trump and somebody worse. It’s between President Trump, who made it possible for states to protect the unborn, as many of them now do and will continue to do (thanks to him), and Kamala Harris, who wants to take away the ability of states to protect the unborn by making abortion a fundamental constitutional right.

The choice is between two teams, one headed by President Trump, who will appoint an Attorney General who will protect peaceful pro-life protestors, and another headed by Kamala Harris, whose Attorney General would continue raiding their homes at dawn, and at gunpoint, and throwing them in prison.

And yet here we are, arguing about responses that President Trump and J.D. Vance are giving to none other than NBC’s Kristen Welker, who, more than once (see here and here), has led so many of us down the path of arguing about politically-charged hypotheticals and debating why Trump and Vance didn’t take the bait of giving Democrats a battering ram against every Republican pro-life candidate at every level of government.

“They want to take away your reproductive rights! They want to ban all abortion!”

That’s the mantra of the Democrats.

And to reinforce it, people like Welker will ask them about a six-week ban or some other national ban.

No such ban is coming to the desk of the next President. The political will among members and candidates for Congress isn’t there, and the filibuster is still in place, preventing both sides from enacting national policy on abortion one way or another.

So why are we arguing about something that isn’t going to happen?

Let’s talk instead about the numerous pro-life achievements that marked President Trump’s first term, and that he can certainly accomplish again in a second term: Mexico City Policy, Title X funds taken from Planned Parenthood, de-funding UNFPA, joining the pro-life Geneva Consensus, establishing the Division of Conscience and Religious Freedom to protect nurses and doctors from being forced to participate in abortion, and – Oh yes – appointing hundreds of pro-life judges and Justices to lifetime terms.

We’re not compromising our principles. And we’re not watering down our goals.

But if we get sidetracked into angry, divisive discussions about hypotheticals and, in so doing, allow pro-life people to be turned off to President Trump, we’re letting the left-wing media goons win and bring us farther away than ever from actually accomplishing those goals.

We need every pro-life person enthusiastically making calls and knocking on doors to elect President Trump, in order to give our movement the actual tools we need to fight abortion for years to come.

The Founders did not put the abolishing of slavery into the Constitution. Rather, they put a clause in it that actually said there would be no federal action against it for twenty years. That’s how they got the slave states to ratify the Constitution – the very document that provided the tools that ultimately abolished slavery in the free and slave states alike.

They gave the tools to the people, who did the work.

President Trump has given us a big tool, with the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, and is now going to preserve for us that same Constitution, with its freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and other mechanisms that we will use to abolish abortion.

He has his responsibilities. And we, brothers and sisters, have ours.

It’s ultimately up to us to abolish abortion. Let’s be smart enough to put into public office not those whom we unrealistically hope will do our work for us, but those who will empower us to do the work we are responsible for doing to end abortion once and for all. Note:  Frank Pavone is the national director for Priests for Life.

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